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Adding New Tenants

See the topics given below for instructions.

Adding tenants using the management console

You can add a new tenant in the management console and then view it by following the procedure below. In order to add a new tenant, you should be logged in as a super user.

  1. Click Add New Tenant in the Configure tab of your product's management console.

  2. Enter the tenant information in Register A New Organization screen as follows, and click Save.

    Parameter Name Description
    Domain The domain name for the organization, which should be unique (e.g., This is used as a unique identifier for your domain. You can use it to log into the admin console to be redirected to your specific tenant. The domain is also used in URLs to distinguish one tenant from another.
    Select Usage Plan for Tenant The usage plan defines limitations (such as the number of users, bandwidth etc.) for the tenant.
    First Name / Last Name The name of the tenant admin.
    Admin Username The login username of the tenant admin. The username always ends with the domain name (e.g., [email protected] )
    Admin Password The password used to log in using the admin username specified.
    Admin Password (Repeat) Repeat the password to confirm.
    Email The email address of the admin.
  3. After saving, the newly added tenant appears in the Tenants List page as shown below. Click View Tenants in the Configure tab of the management console to see information of all the tenants that currently exist in the system. If you want to view only tenants of a specific domain, enter the domain name in the Enter the Tenant Domain parameter and click Find.

Managing tenants using Admin Services

Other tenant management operations such as activating, deactivating, and updating, which are not available in the management console UI, can be done through one of the following admin services:

  • TenantMgtAdminService
  • RemoteTenantManagerService

You can invoke these operations using a SOAP client like SOAP UI as follows:

  1. Add the property in <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml to true to get access to the WSDL's of the admin services.

    enable = true
    2. Start the product server by executing the product startup script from the <IS_HOME>/bin directory:

    In Linux


    In Windows



Get the list of available admin services. If you want to discover the admin services that are exposed by the product: 1. Execute the following command: In Linux

        sh -DosgiConsole
In Windows
        wso2server.bat -DosgiConsole
2. When the server is started, hit the enter/return key several times to get the OSGI shell in the console.In the OSGI shell, enter the following:

This will give the list of admin services for your product.

  1. Start the SOAP UI client, and import the WSDL of the admin service that you are using:

    • For TenantMgtAdminService: https://localhost:9443/services/TenantMgtAdminService ?wsdl
    • For RemoteTenantManagerService: https://localhost:9443/services/RemoteTenantManagerService?wsdl

    This assumes that you are running the SOAP UI client from the same machine as the product instance. Note that there are several operations shown in the SOAP UI after importing the wsdl file:

    Before invoking an operation

    • Be sure to set the admin user's credentials for authorization in the SOAP UI.
    • Note that it is not recommended to delete tenants.
  2. Click on the operation to open the request view. For example, to activate a tenant use the activateTenant operation.

  3. If your tenant domain is, invoke the activateTenant operation with the following request:

    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="">


See Managing Tenants with APIs for more information on using APIs to manage tenants.
