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Identity Related Tables

This section lists out all the identity related tables and their attributes in the WSO2 Identity Server database.


This table is used to provide information related to the server setup. It has only one column, PRODUCT_NAME, which contains a row with the value WSO2 Identity Server.


This table is used when adding OAuth/OpenID Connect configuration as the inbound authentication configuration for a service provider. The following table lists out the columns and the values they contain.

Column Description
CONSUMER_KEY The OAuth client key
CONSUMER_SECRET The OAuth client secret
USERNAME The username of the user who created the application
TENANT_ID The tenant ID
APP_NAME The name of the service provider
OAUTH_VERSION The supported OAuth version of the application
CALLBACK URL The URL to be redirected to when authorization is complete
GRANT_TYPES All the grant types for the application


When using OAuth 1.0a, OAuth clients need to send the consumer key, consumer secret, and scope to the OAuth service and obtain a request token. When WSO2 Identity Server returns a request token to such a client, it adds a record to this table. The client will then receive the request token and the OAuth verifier. The client can send these values back to the service and obtain the OAuth access token. Then the record in this table will be deleted and a new row will be added to the IDN_OAUTH1A_ACCESS_TOKEN table. The following table lists out the columns and a description of the values it contains.

Column Description


The generated request token value
REQUEST_TOKEN_SECRET The generated request token secret
CONSUMER_KEY The consumer key of the OAuth application in the service provider
CALLBACK_URL The redirect URL specified for the client in the OAuth application in the service provider
SCOPE The provided scope in the received request
AUTHORIZED True/False (indicates whether the resource owner authorized the request). Initially, this column will be marked as false.
OAUTH_VERIFIER Initially, this column will be NULL. The client application then receives the request token and the request token secret after which it can authorize the request token where the user enters the credentials and authorizes the request.
AUTHZ_USER This is the username of the user that authorized the request token. Once the value of this column is added, the AUTHORIZED column will be marked as true and a random number will be inserted into the OAUTH_VERIFIER column for verification purposes.


When using OAuth 1.0a and receiving an OAuth 1.0a request token, the client application can obtain the access token by authorizing the request token. The following table lists out the columns and a description of the values it contains.

Column Description
ACCESS_TOKEN Randomly generated access token value


Randomly generated access token secret
CONSUMER_KEY The consumer key of the OAuth application created in the Service Provider
SCOPE The authorized scope
AUTHZ_USER The username of the user who authorized the request token for obtaining the access token


When a client application is used with OAuth 2 authorization code grant type, after the authentication, WSO2 Identity Server returns the authorization code to the client. When this occurs, a record is added to this table. The client application can then request the OAuth access token using the authorized code. When the access token is returned, the record with that authorization code is deleted from this table.The following table lists out the columns and a description of the values it contains.

Column Description


The generated authorization code value
CONSUMER_KEY The particular consumer key for which the authorization code was generated. It is used to identify the OAuth application.
CALLBACK_URL The redirect URL of the client for returning the authorization code
SCOPE The approved OAuth scope
AUTHZ_USER The fully qualified username (with the tenant domain) of the user who authorized the application
TIME_CREATED The date and time when the authorization code was generated


The validity time period for the authorization code (default value is 300000 ms)


When an OAuth2 access token is returned to a client, a record will be added to this table. The following table lists out the columns and a description of the values it contains.

Column Description
ACCESS_TOKEN The access token
REFRESH_TOKEN The refresh token
CONSUMER_KEY The consumer key of the OAuth application
AUTHZ_USER The fully qualified username (with the tenant domain) of the user who authorized the application
USER_TYPE The type of user
TIME_CREATED The date time value when the access token was generated
VALIDITY_PERIOD The validity period of the token (default is 3600000 ms)
TOKEN_SCOPE The scope of the access token
TOKEN_STATE The state of the access token (ACTIVE)


When WSO2 Identity Server is used with a product such as the WSO2 API Manager, custom OAuth scopes can be defined. The following table lists out the columns and a description of the values it contains.

Column Description
SCOPE_ID The unique ID of the scope
SCOPE_KEY A scope key
NAME Name for the scope
DESCRIPTION Description of the scope
ROLES List of roles given


In a standalone WSO2 Identity Server instance, this table will not get populated with data.


When WSO2 Identity Server is used with a product such as WSO2 API Manager, the custom scopes defined for the APIs will be stored in the IDN_OAUTH2_SCOPE table. These scopes can be mapped with the resources in the API and these resources and scopes mapping are stored in this table. The following table lists out the columns and a description of the values it contains.

Column Description
RESOURCE_PATH The path to the resource
SCOPE_ID The ID of the scope that points to the SCOPE_ID column of the IDN_OAUTH2_SCOPE table


In a standalone WSO2 Identity Server instance, this table will not get populated with data.


When creating a new role in the userstore, the SCIM attributes for the created role are stored in this table.  For each role that is created, there are multiple rows stored since multiple SCIM attributes are associated with a role (GROUP). The following table lists out the columns and a description of the values it contains.

Column Description
ROLE_NAME The name of the role
ATTR_NAME The name of the SCIM attribute
ATTR_VALUE The value of the SCIM attribute


This table is not used in the latest version of WSO2 Identity Server.



This table is not used in the latest version of WSO2 Identity Server because the 'Remember Me' feature is handled from the authentication framework.



When users log in to OpenID relying party applications where the OpenID authentication is provided by WSO2 Identity Server, the login details are stored in this table. The following table lists out the columns and a description of the values it contains.

Column Description
USER__NAME The username of the logged in user
TENANT_ID Tenant ID of the tenant that the user belongs to
RP_URL The URL of the relying party to which it should be redirected upon successful login
TRUSTED_ALWAYS True/False (indicates whether the user has given the  “Approve Always” or “Approve” options of the application for authentication)
LAST_VISIT Date of the last login of the user
VISIT_COUNT The number of successful login attempts for the user
DEFAULT_PROFILE_NAME The default profile name


The OpenID associations are stored in this table. The following table lists out the columns and a description of the values it contains.

Column Description
HANDLE The association handle
ASSOC_TYPE The OpenID association type
EXPIRE_IN The datetime value of the expiry of the association
MAC_KEY The Message Authentication Code of the association


When WSO2 Identity Server is used as a Security Token Service which issues access tokens, such records are stored in following table. Following are the columns of the table.

  • ID


When using a JDBC userstore, the user attributes of a user are stored in the UM_USER_ATTRIBUTE table for the supported claims. There are some claims used for Identity Management features that should be handled specifically. Claims used for Identity Management feature will be stored in the userstore which is specified in the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/security/ file. The property, Identity.Mgt.User.Data.Store is used to define what kind of store it uses to store these reserved claims. Upon updating the user profile, these claims and their mapped attribute values will be inserted to this table.


  • If you specify for the Identity.Mgt.User.Data.Store property which is the default store, it will use the same userstore where the user resides for storing these special attributes.

  • If you specify for the Identity.Mgt.User.Data.Store property, it will not use the user's userstore and will instead use WSO2 Identity Server's internal JDBC database to store those claims.

The reserved claims are as follows:

  • Any claim that contains the part : for its claim URI

  • Any claim that contains part for its claim URI


The following table lists out the columns and a description of the values it contains.

Column Description
TENANT_ID The ID of the tenant to which the user belongs to
USER_NAME The username of the user
DATA_KEY The Claim URI of the supported claim
DATA_VALUE The user attribute value of the particular claim




This table is used to store the authenticated thrift session. Once the user is authenticated to the thrift authenticator, it creates a thrift session. This is mainly used in the XACML feature in WSO2 Identity Server. The Entitlement Service of WSO2 Identity Server is exposed via Thrift transport and in order to access this admin service, it must be authenticated. The following table lists out the columns and a description of the values it contains.

Column Description
SESSION_ID The unique idea of the created session
USER_NAME The username of the user
CREATED_TIME The time that the session was created
LAST_MODIFIED_TIME The time that the session was last modified


Users can associate their social identity (i.e. Facebook, Yahoo, Google, Microsoft ) with the user account created in WSO2 Identity Server. The following table lists out the columns and a description of the values it contains.

Column Description
IDP_USER_ID The user's username in the social account (i.e., Facebook username)
TENANT_ID The ID of the tenant in which the user is created
IDP_ID The ID of the identity provider which contains the federated authenticator
USER_NAME The username of the user in WSO2 Identity Server that this social identity is associated with


When the remember me option is selected when logging in to either a service provider or WSO2 Identity Server, session data is persisted provided that the session data persistence is enabled from configuration. The following table lists out the columns and a description of the values it contains.

Column Description
SESSION_ID The unique ID of the session
SESSION_TYPE The type of session created
SESSION_OBJECT The session object
TIME_CREATED The time of the session creation

Identity related tables
