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Delete an Existing User

This section guides you through deleting an existing user in WSO2 Identity Server.


Deleting a user cannot be undone.

Use the Management Console

  1. On the Main > Identity tab in the Management Console, click List under Users and Roles.
  2. Click Users. This link is only visible to users with the Admin role.
  3. In the Users list, click Delete next to the user you want to delete, and then click Yes to confirm the operation.

Use the SCIM 2.0 REST API


curl -v -k --user {IS_USERNAME}:{IS_PASSWORD} -X DELETE https://{IS_HOST}:{IS_PORT}/scim2/Users/{SCIM_USER_ID} -H "Accept: application/json"

Sample Request

curl -v -k --user admin:admin -X DELETE https://localhost:9443/scim2/Users/b228b59d-db19-4064-b637-d33c31209fae -H "Accept: application/json"

You receive a response with status 204 No Content and the user will be deleted from the userstore.
