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OpenID Connect Scopes and Claims


By using OpenID Connect scopes, it defines what access privileges should be granted to an access token. Usually claims are associated with scopes and based on the scopes, specific set of information will be returned to the client as claim values.

The OpenID Connect specification defines the following set of scopes. WSO2 Identity Server allows to define any other custom scope.

  • openid
  • profile
  • email
  • address
  • phone

The openid scope is considered as a special scope and it is mandatory for OpenID Connect requests to have this scope. The mandatory sub claim should be associated with this scope. The other scopes defined in the scopes are optional.

A sample way to request scopes is shown below.

scope=openid profile email phone


Claims are name value pairs that contain information about the user attributes. These claims are associated with OpenID Connect scopes and the client applications can request claims about the end-user.

A sample scope-claim mapping based on the specification is shown below.

Scope Claim
openid sub
profile name, family_name, given_name, middle_name, nickname, preferred_username, profile, picture, website, gender, birthdate, zoneinfo, locale, updated_at
email email, email_verified
address address.formatted, address.street_address, address.locality, address.region, address.postal_code,
phone phone_number, phone_number_verified