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OAuth 2.0 Client Types

Based on the client’s ability to authenticate with the authorization server, two types of OAuth 2.0 clients are specified in the OAuth2 specification.

  1. Confidential clients

  2. Public clients

Confidential clients

Confidential clients can maintain the confidentiality of their credentials without being exposed. An example for a confidential client would be a web application. Once the authorization server provides the tokens or the credentials to the web application, those credentials will not be exposed to the outside.

Confidential clients should associate with the grant types which require authentication. For the web based confidential clients, it is recommended to use the Authorization Code grant type and for the machine-to-machine communication, it is recommended to use the Client Credentials grant type.

Public clients

Public clients can not maintain the confidentiality of their credentials without exposing them. Examples for public clients would be mobile applications, desktop applications, and JavaScript applications. When using user-agent clients, protocol data and credentials are easily accessible (and often visible) to the resource owner. Since such applications reside within the user-agent, they can make seamless use of the user-agent capabilities when requesting authorization. When using native applications like desktop applications and mobile applications, those applications are installed and executed in the resource owner’s devices. Hence protocol data and credentials are accessible to the resource owner and the passwords can be exposed to the outside if the application is cracked.

The implicit grant type is optimized for such types of clients, as this grant type does not include client authentication, and relies on the presence of the resource owner and the registration of the redirection URI. Since the access token is encoded into the redirection URI, it may be exposed to the resource owner and other applications residing on the same device. To avoid attacks done by manipulating the redirection URI, it is mandatory for public clients to pre-register the redirection URI.

The following table summarizes the sample clients and the grant types that are recommended for different client types.

Client type Sample clients Recommended grant type
Confidential clients Web based Authorization Code grant type, Password grant type
Machine to machine Client Credentials grant type
Public clients JavaScript applications, mobile applications, desktop applications Implicit grant type