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App-native authentication

App-native authentication is an extension to the OAuth 2.0 protocol that enables users to login to native and mobile applications from the application itself, without being redirected to a web browser. This enables developers to keep the users within the context of the application and provide them with a seamless login experience.

This document contain detailed information on the authentication API that powers app-native authentication.


Explore the OpenAPI definition of the authentication API.

How does it work?

The following diagram illustrates the high-level steps involved with app-native authentication.


  1. User initiates a login request at the application's login page.
  2. The application initiates an app-native authentication request.
  3. The server responds with instructions for the next step of the authentication.
  4. The application prompts for user input.
  5. User interacts with the application and enters the credentials.
  6. The application sends the response back to the server.


    Steps 3-6 repeat until the authentication flow is completed.

  7. After a successful authentiation, the appliaction receives an OAuth2 authorization code.

  8. The authorization code can then be exchanged for an access token.

How Authentication API works

The authentication API is an interactive, stateful API that enables multi-step authentication. Let's look at how the authentication API is used in app-native authentication.

The following steps explain app-native authentication in detail.

  1. When an application initiates an app-native login, it is done using an OAuth 2.0 authorization code request with the response_mode set to direct as shown below.

    curl --location 'https://localhost:9443/oauth2/authorize/'
    --header 'Accept: application/json'
    --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
    --data-urlencode 'client_id=<client_id>'
    --data-urlencode 'response_type=<response_type>'
    --data-urlencode 'redirect_uri=<redircet_url>'
    --data-urlencode 'state=<state>'
    --data-urlencode 'scope=<space separated scopes>'
    --data-urlencode 'response_mode=direct'
    curl --location 'https://localhost:9443/oauth2/authorize/'
    --header 'Accept: application/json'
    --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
    --data-urlencode 'client_id=VTs12Ie26wb8HebnWercWZiAhMMa'
    --data-urlencode 'response_type=code'
    --data-urlencode 'redirect_uri='
    --data-urlencode 'state=logpg'
    --data-urlencode 'scope=openid internal_login'
    --data-urlencode 'response_mode=direct'
  2. The application in return, receives a response that contain the flowId parameter.


    In app-native authentication, after the initial request to the /authorize endpoint, subsequent requests are made to the /authn endpoint. The flowId parameter is used to bind the requests made to the /authn endpoint to the initial request.

  3. The application then sends a POST request to the /authn endpoint with a payload as shown below.

    "flowId": "{flowId received from the initial response}",
    "selectedAuthenticator": {
        "authenticatorId": "{authenticator id for the selected authenticator}",
        "params": {
              "{requested parameters from the authenticator}"
      "flowId": "3bd1f207-e5b5-4b45-8a91-13b0acfb2151",
      "selectedAuthenticator": {
        "authenticatorId": "QmFzaWNBdXRoZW50aWNhdG9yOkxPQ0FM",
        "params": {
          "username": "johnd",
          "password": "U$3r"
    learn about the parameters
    • flowId: A unique identifier for the entire authentication flow. This is provided in the initial response for the auth request.
    • selectedAuthenticator: The authenticator selected by the user for authentication.
    • authenticatorId: The unique identifier of the authenticator.
    • params: The parameters required by the authenticator for authentication.
  4. The response of the /authn endpoint will be as follows.

      "flowId": "3bd1f207-e5b5-4b45-8a91-13b0acfb2151",
      "flowStatus": "INCOMPLETE",
      "flowType": "AUTHENTICATION",
      "nextStep": {
        "stepType": "AUTHENTICATOR_PROMPT",
        "authenticators": [
            "authenticatorId": "QmFzaWNBdXRoZW50aWNhdG9yOkxPQ0FM",
            "authenticator": "Username & Password",
            "idp": "LOCAL",
            "metadata": {
              "i18nKey": "authenticator.basic",
              "promptType": "USER_PROMPT",
              "params": [
                  "param": "username",
                  "type": "STRING",
                  "isConfidential": false,
                  "order": 1,
                  "i18nKey": "param.username"
            "requiredParams": [
        "acceptErrorParams": false,
        "messages": [
            "type": "ERROR",
            "messageId": "msg_invalid_un_pw",
            "message": "Invalid username or password.",
            "i18nKey": "message.msg_invalid_un_pw",
            "context": [
                "key": "remainingAttempts",
                "value": "2"
      "links": [
          "name": "authentication",
          "href": "/api/authenticate/v1",
          "method": "POST"
    learn about the parameters
    • flowId: A unique identifier for the entire authentication flow.
    • flowStatus: Indicates the status of the authentication flow. Possible values are INCOMPLETE, FAILED_INCOMPLETE, and SUCCESS_COMPLETED.
    • nextStep: Contains the details of the next step in the authentication flow.
    • stepType: The type of the next step. Possible values are MULTI_OPTIONS_PROMPT and AUTHENTICATOR_PROMPT. MULTI_OPTIONS_PROMPT indicates that the user has multiple options to choose from, while AUTHENTICATOR_PROMPT indicates that the user has to authenticate using a specific authentication option.
    • authenticators: The list of authentication options available for the next step. If the stepType is AUTHENTICATOR_PROMPT, the list will only contain one authentication option.
    • authenticatorId: The unique identifier of the authenticator. This id is mutable and can change based on the authenticator configuration.
    • authenticator: The name of the authenticator.
    • idp: The Identity Provider of the authenticator. This will be LOCAL for local authenticators and will contain the IDP name for federated authenticators.
    • metadata: The metadata related to the authentication option.
    • promptType: The type of the prompt. Possible values are USER_PROMPT, INTERNAL_PROMPT, and REDIRECTION_PROMPT. Authentication options that require user interaction will have the prompt type as USER_PROMPT. Authentication options that require the application to perform an action will have the prompt type as INTERNAL_PROMPT. Authentication options that require the application to redirect the user to a different URL will have the prompt type as REDIRECTION_PROMPT.
    • params: When the prompt type is USER_PROMPT, this will contain the list of input parameter metadata to render the UI.
    • additionalData: Additional data required to complete the authentication step. Ex: Redirect URL for federated authentication.
    • requiredParams: The required parameters for the authentication option. These are the parameters that the application must send to the authentication API in the next request to complete the authentication step.
    • messages: The info and error messages related to the authentication option.
    • i18nKey: The internationalization key. This key will be available many places of the response and can be used where content localization is required.
  5. The authentication flow completes when the application receives an OAuth 2.0 authorization code with the relevant OAuth 2.0 artifacts in a json format as shown below.

       "code": "6ff8b7e1-01fc-39b9-b56d-a1f5826e6d2a",
       "state": "logpg",
       "session_state": "43b1ffc92c8d349942e99bd0270fca05f934ad6f612b27f40a5fa60b96bd0iD4RK8Etr4XruxnYMEvcKQ"

Sample scenarios

The following are several sample scenarios in which users can be logged in using app-native authentication. Each scenario goes through a single or multiple interactions with the /authn endpoint based on the login flow configured for the application.

Scenario 1: Log in with a username & password

The application goes through the following steps to complete app-native authentication for a user logging in with username & password.

  • Step 1: Initiate the request with the /authorize endpoint.


    The response contains information on the first authentication step (the only step for this flow).

    curl --location 'https://localhost:9443/oauth2/authorize/'
    --header 'Accept: application/json'
    --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
    --data-urlencode 'client_id=XWRkRNkJDeTiR5MwHdXROGiJka'
    --data-urlencode 'response_type=code'
    --data-urlencode 'redirect_uri='
    --data-urlencode 'scope=openid profile'
    --data-urlencode 'response_mode=direct'
      "flowId": "bea32017-7124-4b7a-ab31-17633754d04d",
      "flowStatus": "INCOMPLETE",
      "flowType": "AUTHENTICATION",
      "nextStep": {
        "stepType": "AUTHENTICATOR_PROMPT",
        "authenticators": [
            "authenticatorId": "QmFzaWNBdXRoZW50aWNhdG9yOkxPQ0FM",
            "authenticator": "Username & Password",
            "idp": "LOCAL",
            "metadata": {
              "i18nKey": "authenticator.basic",
              "promptType": "USER_PROMPT",
              "params": [
                  "param": "username",
                  "type": "STRING",
                  "order": 0,
                  "i18nKey": "username.param",
                  "displayName": "Username",
                  "confidential": false
                  "param": "password",
                  "type": "STRING",
                  "order": 1,
                  "i18nKey": "password.param",
                  "displayName": "Password",
                  "confidential": true
            "requiredParams": [
      "links": [
          "name": "authentication",
          "href": "https://localhost:9443/oauth2/authn/",
          "method": "POST"
  • Step 2: Carry the flowId received in the above response and request the /authn endpoint for username & password authentication.


    As this is the only step configured for the application, the /authn endpoint returns an authorization code, upon successful authentication.

    curl --location 'https://localhost:9443/oauth2/authn/'
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
    --data '{
        "flowId": "bea32017-7124-4b7a-ab31-17633754d04d",
        "selectedAuthenticator": {
            "authenticatorId": "QmFzaWNBdXRoZW50aWNhdG9yOkxPQ0FM",
            "params": {
                "username": "johnd",
                "password": "U$3r"
      "flowStatus": "SUCCESS_COMPLETED",
      "authData": {
        "code": "bbb0bsdb-857a-3a80-bfbb-48038380bf79"

Scenario 2: 2FA with username & password and TOTP

The application goes through the following steps to complete app-native authentication for a user logging in with username & password in the first step and TOTP in the second step.

  • Step 1: Initiate the request with the /authorize endpoint.


    The response contains information on the first authentication step.

    curl --location 'https://localhost:9443/oauth2/authorize/'
    --header 'Accept: application/json'
    --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
    --data-urlencode 'client_id=XWRkRNkJDeTiR5MwHdXROGiJka'
    --data-urlencode 'response_type=code'
    --data-urlencode 'redirect_uri='
    --data-urlencode 'scope=openid profile'
    --data-urlencode 'response_mode=direct'
      "flowId": "162b7547-e057-4c84-9237-1c7e69bdc122",
      "flowStatus": "INCOMPLETE",
      "flowType": "AUTHENTICATION",
      "nextStep": {
        "stepType": "AUTHENTICATOR_PROMPT",
        "authenticators": [
            "authenticatorId": "QmFzaWNBdXRoZW50aWNhdG9yOkxPQ0FM",
            "authenticator": "Username & Password",
            "idp": "LOCAL",
            "metadata": {
              "i18nKey": "authenticator.basic",
              "promptType": "USER_PROMPT",
              "params": [
                  "param": "username",
                  "type": "STRING",
                  "order": 0,
                  "i18nKey": "username.param",
                  "displayName": "Username",
                  "confidential": false
                  "param": "password",
                  "type": "STRING",
                  "order": 1,
                  "i18nKey": "password.param",
                  "displayName": "Password",
                  "confidential": true
            "requiredParams": [
      "links": [
          "name": "authentication",
          "href": "https://localhost:9443/oauth2/authn/",
          "method": "POST"
  • Step 2: Carry the flowId received in the above response and request the /authn endpoint for username & password authentication.


    Upon successful authentication, the /authn endpoint returns information on the next authentication step.

    curl --location 'https://localhost:9443/oauth2/authn/'
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
    --data '{
      "flowId": "162b7547-e057-4c84-9237-1c7e69bdc122",
      "selectedAuthenticator": {
        "authenticatorId": "QmFzaWNBdXRoZW50aWNhdG9yOkxPQ0FM",
        "params": {
            "username": "johnd",
            "password": "U$3r"
      "flowId": "162b7547-e057-4c84-9237-1c7e69bdc122",
      "flowStatus": "INCOMPLETE",
      "flowType": "AUTHENTICATION",
      "nextStep": {
        "stepType": "AUTHENTICATOR_PROMPT",
        "authenticators": [
            "authenticatorId": "dG90cDpMT0NBTA",
            "authenticator": "TOTP",
            "idp": "LOCAL",
            "metadata": {
              "i18nKey": "authenticator.totp",
              "promptType": "USER_PROMPT",
              "params": [
                  "param": "token",
                  "type": "STRING",
                  "order": 0,
                  "i18nKey": "totp.authenticator",
                  "displayName": "Token",
                  "confidential": false
            "requiredParams": [
      "links": [
          "name": "authentication",
          "href": "https://localhost:9443/oauth2/authn/",
          "method": "POST"
  • Step 3: Carry the same flowId and request the /authn endpoint for TOTP authentication.


    As this is the final step configured for the application, the /authn endpoint returns an authorization code upon successful authentication.

    curl --location 'https://localhost:9443/oauth2/authn/' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data '{
      "flowId": "162b7547-e057-4c84-9237-1c7e69bdc122",
      "selectedAuthenticator": {
        "authenticatorId": "dG90cDpMT0NBTA",
        "params": {
            "token": "609357"
      "flowStatus": "SUCCESS_COMPLETED",
      "authData": {
      "code": "5f1b2c2a-1436-35a5-b8e4-942277313287"