Analyzing the Local Login Attempts¶
The Local Login Attempts statistical visualization displays statistics relating to local authentication.
A local authentication is an authentication activity that is carried out via a local identity provider.
An authentication sequence with a local identity provider involvement is considered as a single local authentication attempt regardless of the number of steps carried out by the local identity provider. In order for a local authentication to be considered as successful, all the constituent authentication steps carried out by the local identity provider should be successful. However, failure of a single authentication step is considered as a separate local authentication failure.
The statistics displayed in this page include all thelocal login attempts that are performed via local identity providers over time as well as the local login attempts filtered based on service providers, user stores, user roles, and users
Follow the steps below to view the Local Login Attempts.
Before you begin
- Access the WSO2 IS Analytics Dashboard. For more information, see Accessing the Analytics Dashboard.
- Perform either of the following.
- Click SEE MORE in the Local Login Attempts Summary tile.
- Click menu icon > Local.
Let's analyze the local login attempts with the following widgets.
Login Attempts Over Time¶
This chart presents the total number of local login attempts that are made during the selected time interval.
This chart allows deriving the local login patterns and detect deviations that may due to unusual occurrences such as attacks, system downtime, etc.
Compact Summary¶
This chart presents a summary of the local login attempts.
This chart allows identifying the percentages of the successful and failed local login attempts.
Map View¶
This chart presents the local login attempts in a map view based on the IP addresses.
In order for this widget to work, configure the gel location database. For more information, see Enabling Geolocation Based Statistics.
- This chart allows viewing the countries from which the local logins were attempted.
- The color intensity indicates the number of login attempts, e.g., an area in darker green indicates more login attempts when compared to an area in lighter green.
- The toggle key helps to switch from the success view and failure view.
Distribution By Service Providers¶
- This chart presents the successful and failed local login attempts sorted by service provider.
- Pagination is available if the statistics involve more than ten service providers.
This chart allows viewing the local login attempts sorted based on the service providers.
Distribution By User Store¶
- This chart presents the successful and failed login attempts sorted by user store domain.
- Pagination is available if the statistics involve more than ten user store domains.
This chart allows viewing the local login attempts sorted based on the user store domain.
Distribution By User Role¶
- This chart presents the successful and failed login attempts sorted by user role.
- Pagination is available if the statistics involve more than ten user roles.
This chart allows viewing the local login attempts sorted based on the user role.
Distribution By User Name¶
- This chart presents the successful and failed login attempts sorted by user name.
- Pagination is available if the statistics involve more than ten user names.
This chart allows viewing the local login attempts sorted based on the user names.
Detail View¶
- This widget presents details of each local login attempt including the context ID, user name, service provider, subject step, roles, tenant domain, IP, region, whether the local authentication was successful or not, and the time stamp.
- The login attempts can be sorted in the ascending/descending order by the fields in the table if required.
This widget allows view the details of each local login attempt.