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User Account Suspension

The WSO2 Identity Server allows you to set up account suspension to lock accounts that have been idle for a pre-configured amount of time.

Prior to account suspension, set up the notification system to send a warning notification to the user announcing that the account will be suspended. For instance, if a user has not logged in to their account for 90 days, the user can be notified that the account will be suspended within the next 7 days if there continues to be no activity, after which, the account will be suspended.


Once an account is suspended, only an administrative user can unlock the account.

Setting up account suspension notifications

The notification module is a scheduled task that runs daily. It fetches users from the user store that are idle and eligible to receive a warning notification based on the last logged-in time. The scheduled task that checks for idle accounts is common to all tenants.

Before you begin

Ensure that the identity listener with the priority=50 is set to false and that the " identity listener with the priority=95 is set to true by adding the following configuration in the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file.

priority= "50"
enable = false
priority= "95" 
enable = true
  1. Enable notifications for account suspension by setting the following property to true in the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file.

    inactive_account_suspention.enable_account_suspension = true
  2. To define the start time of the scheduled task, configure the following property in the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file. The task runs daily at the trigger time that you configure here.


    Set the value in hh:mm:ss format. If you set it in the wrong format or do not set a value, the default value, which is 20:00:00, applies.

    inactive_account_suspension.trigger_notifications_at = "20:00:00"
  3. Add the following property under all the relevant userstores that you are using in the deployment.toml file.

    LDAP Userstore

    notification_receivers_retrieval_class = "org.wso2.carbon.identity.account.suspension.notification.task.ldap.LDAPNotificationReceiversRetrieval"

    JDBC Userstore

    notification_receivers_retrieval_class = "org.wso2.carbon.identity.account.suspension.notification.task.jdbc.JDBCNotificationReceiversRetrieval"
  4. Optionally, you can configure the following email properties to receive email notifications in <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml

    email.from_address = "[email protected]"
    email.username = "abcd"
    email.password = "xxxx"
    email.hostname = ""
    email.port = 587
    email.enable_start_tls = true
    email.enable_authentication = true


    You can customize the emails that are sent to the user by editing the pre-configured email templates.

    • The email template used to send an email when the account has been idle for some time is the idleAccountReminder template.
    • The template used to send an email when the account has been locked is the AccountLock template.

    For more information on how to edit and customize the email templates, see Customizing Automated Emails.

Configuring account suspension settings

  1. Start the WSO2 IS and log into the management console using your tenant credentials.
  2. Click Resident under Identity Providers found in the Main tab. Expand the Login Policies tab.
  3. Expand the Account Locking tab and select the Account Lock Enabled checkbox. Click Update to save changes.

  4. Expand the Account Management Policies tab.

  5. Expand the Lock Idle Accounts tab and select Enable. Fill in the following fields and click Update.

    Field Description Sample Value
    Lock Account After This specifies the total number of days after which the account will be locked. In this case, if the account is idle for 90 days, it will be locked. 90
    Alert User in This specifies the number of days (in a comma separated list) after which the user is sent a warning notification informing him/her that the account is about to be locked. In this case, the user will receive multiple notifications, one notification after 30 days, the next after 45 days etc. Finally if it reaches 90 days with no activity from the user, the account will be locked. 30,45,60,75


Troubleshooting Tips

If you want to troubleshoot this feature, add the following property to the file found in the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/ folder to receive DEBUG logs. = org.wso2.carbon.identity.account.suspension.notification.task
logger.account-suspension-notification-task.level = DEBUG

Related Links

See Configuring Claims for more information on how to store the claim values in the user store.
