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Editing Claim Dialects

There are two ways to edit claim dialects in WSO2 Identity Server.

Using the management console

You can edit existing claim dialects by clicking on any available dialect link. Follow the instructions below to edit a claim dialect.

  1. Sign in. Enter your username and password to log on to the Management Console .
  2. Click Main to access the Main menu and click List under Claims.
  3. Click on any available dialect links.
  4. From the Claim Dialect view, you can view the claims defined for that particular dialect. If you need to edit a claim, click on the appropriate Edit link.
  5. Enter the new claim information in the required fields and click on the Update button.

    Attribute Description Sample value
    Display Name The name of the claim value which is display to the user. Street Address
    Desciption A small description of the claim to help the user to understand it easily. Address of the street
    Claim Uri The URI which defines the claim.
    Mapped Attribute The attribute which mapped to the claim. streetAddress
    Regular Expression A regular expression that helps to verify the input. A street address can be an integer or a string, therefore regex can be like " ****^ \d { 1, 45 } $**** "
    Display Order Order to display claims. 1
    Supported by Default Whether the claim is displayed in the profile of the user. Enabled
    Required Whether the claim is mandatory. Enabled
    Read-only Whether the claim cannot be updated later (Read only). Enabled


    When you are using more than one user store, you must map the attributes correctly using claim management. Under “Mapped Attribute(s)” you need to follow the pattern.

    {domain_name/attribute_Name};{domain_name/attribute_Name}; {domain_name/attribute_Name};

    However, for the default user store, you do not need to provide the domain name. As an example, if you have two user stores, one is the default and another one with domain “LDAP” then the pattern would be as follows for “ ".


Using the configuration file

Alternatively, instead of editing the dialect using the management console, you can also edit the claim dialect by editing the claim-config.xml configuration file located in the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf folder. A sample claim dialect is given below.

<Dialect dialectURI="">    
        <DisplayName>First Name</DisplayName>
        <DisplayName>Nick Name</DisplayName>


Edits to the claim dialects configured in <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/claim-config.xml file get applied only when you start the product for the first time, or for any newly created tenants. With the first startup, claim dialects and claims will be loaded from the file and persisted in the database. Any consecutive updates to the file will not be picked up and claim dialects and claims will be loaded from the database.
