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JWT Grant

About JWT

The JSON Web Token (JWT) is simply a JSON string containing claim values that will be evaluated and validated by the JWT Grant Handlers at the Authorization Server before issuing an access token.

JWT contains a header, payload, and signature that are separated by periods (.). Let's learn more about them!

The header contains the algorithm that is used to generate the signature as well as the type of the token, i.e., JWT.

Sample header

    "alg": "RS256",
    "Type": "JWT"


The payload contains the following claims.

Claim Definition Usage Description
iss Issuer Mandatory This uniquely identifies the identity provider that issued the JWT.
sub Subject Mandatory This is the identity provider that vouches that the JWT was issued by the identity proivder that is indicated in the `iss` claim.
aud Audience Mandatory This is the audience to which the JWT is intended to. This should be the token endpoint of the authorization server.
exp Expiration Time Mandatory This is epoch time of the JWT expiry time until which the JWT can be used.
nbf Not before Optional This defines the epoch time after which the JWT can be used.
iat Issued at Optional This the epoch time at which the JWT was issued.
jti JSON Web Token Id Optional This is the JSON web token ID, which uniquely identifies the JWT.
Custom claims N/A Optional This is the extension point of the JWT specification.

Sample Payload



To generate the signature:

  1. Encode header and payload using the base64 scheme and concatenate them with a period (.).

    sign(encodeBase64(header) + '.' + encodeBase64(payload))
  2. Sign it.


To generate the JWT assertion, encode the signature using the base64 scheme and concatenate header, payload, and signature with a period (.).

encodeBase64(header) + '.' + encodeBase64(payload) + '.' +  encodeBase64(s ignature)

Sample Assertion


WSO2 Identity Server as an OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server can accept JWT assertions from OAuth 2.0 clients as a means of resource owner authentication and authorization. Additionally, it can exchange it with OAuth 2.0 access tokens in order to access protected resources on behalf of the resource owner.

JWT Brearer Grant in WSO2 Identity Server

The JWT Bearer Grant is enabled by default in WSO2 Identity Server with the following configurations in the deployment.toml file in the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/ directory.

enable = true
grant_handler = "org.wso2.carbon.identity.oauth2.grant.jwt.JWTBearerGrantHandler"
grant_validator = "org.wso2.carbon.identity.oauth2.grant.jwt.JWTGrantValidator"

The flow

When an entity initates a request to gain access to an application:

  1. The client application (registered as a service provider in WSO2 Identity Server) sends an access request to the identity provider (trusted by WSO2 Identity Server).

  2. The identity provider creates a JWT assertion with the corresponding claims and sends it back to the service provider.

  3. The service provider forwards the access request to the token endpoint in WSO2 Identity Server with the following:

    • JWT bearer grant type
    • JWT assertion that is created by the identity provider
    • Service provider's client key and client secret
  4. The token endpoint in turn reads and identifies it to be a JWT bearer and triggers the JWT bearer grant handler of WSO2 Identity Server.

  5. The JWT bearer grant handler checks for the identity provider that issued the JWT token in the JWT assertion.


    For this verification to work, the identity provider should have been registered as a trusted identity provider in WSO2 Identity Server.

  6. Once the identity provider is identified, WSO2 Identity Server retrieves the corresponding identity provider configurations containing the identity provider's public certificate.

  7. WSO2 Identity Server validates the JWT's signature using the identity provider's public certificate.

  8. Once the JWT is validated, WSO2 Identity Server creates an OAuth2.0 access token that can be used by the identity provider to grant access to the application holding the given client key and client secret.


Follow the steps below to configure the trusted identity provider and service provider in WSO2 Identity Server.

Before you begin

Access the WSO2 Identity Server Management Console.

Trsuted identity provider

To configure the trusted identity provider:

  1. On the Main menu of the Management Console, click Identity > Identity Providers > Add.

    Add New Identity Provider menu-item

  2. Enter the following information.

    Add New Identity Provider screen

    Field Description Sample Value
    Identity Provider Name This is is the name of the identity provider that issues the JWT.
    Choose IDP certificate type This is to specify whether the JWT will be validated using a JWKS endpoint or a public certificate.
    • Use IDP JWKS endpoint
    • Upload IDP certificate
    Identity Provider's JWKS Endpoint This is to define the particular JWKS endpoint using which the JWT will be validated.
    This field is enabled when the Use IDP JWKS endpoint option is selected for Choose IDP certificate type.
    Identity Provider Public Certificate This is the public certificate that is used to sign the JWT assertion.
    This field is enabled when the Upload IDP certificate option is selected for Choose IDP certificate type.
    Alias This is the alias of the token endpoint. https://localhost:9443/oauth2/token


    For more information on identity providers, see Adding an Configuring an Identity Provider.

  3. Click Register.

You have successfully added the identity provider. Next, you will configure the application as a service provider.

Service provider

To add the application as a service provider in WSO2 Identity Server:

  1. On the Main menu, click Identity > Service Providers > Add.

    Add New Service Provider menu-item

  2. Enter a name for the service provider in the Service Provider Name text box and click Register.

    Add New Service Provider screen

  3. In the Inbound Authentication Configuration section, click OAuth/OpenID Connect Configuration > Configure.

    OAuth OpenID Connect Configure option

  4. Enter the following configurations and click Add.

    Register New Application scree

    Field Description Sample Value
    Callaback URL This is the service provider's URL to which the access token will be sent. http://localhost:8080/playground2/oauth2client
    Enable Audience Restriction This is to define whether the token will be sent to specific entities or not.
    If this is not selected, the client key of the service provider will be sent in the Aud element of the JWT.

    This is to define audiences for this service provider to which the token will be intended to.


    To define audiences for all the service providers that are registered in WSO2 Identity Server globally:

    1. Open the deployment.toml file in the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/ directory.
    2. Add the audiences using the following configuration.
    3. Restart WSO2 Identity Server and sign in to the Management Console.

    Note that the client key and client secret are generated.

    Client Key and Client Secret


    While configuring the JWT grant type, the iat validating time period can also be configured in the identity.xml file in the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf as shown below. The default value is 30 minutes.


Try out

  1. Generate a request object (JWT) using the following.

    • iss: This is the client key that was generated under step 3.d under Configurations above.
    • sub: This is the client key that was generated under step 3.d under Configurations above.
    • aud: https://localhost:9443/oauth2/token
    • iat: This is the epoch of the token issuance time, e.g., 1575024942.
    • jit: This is the epoch of the token expiry time, e.g., 1575107914.
        "alg": "RS256",
        "type": "JWT"
        "iss": "NCkZofT51NVKK2UuQSvxPJhQOWwa",
        "sub": "NCkZofT51NVKK2UuQSvxPJhQOWwa", 
        "aud": "https://localhost:9443/oauth2/token"
        "iat": "1575024942",
        "jit": "1575107914"
  2. To retrieve the access token and refresh token, execute the following command in a command prompt.

    • CLIENT_KEY: This is the client key that was generated under step 3.d under Configurations above.
    • ClIENT_SECRET: This is the client secret that was generated under step 3.d under Configurations above.
    • JWT: This is the signed base64 encoded JWT. This must contain a single JWT.


    If you have configured the service provider and identity provider in a tenant, add the tenant domain as a query parameter to the access token endpoint, e.g., if the tenant domain is, the access token endpoint should be https://localhost:9443/oauth2/token?

    curl -i -X POST -u <CLIENT_ID>:<Client_SECRET> -k -d 'grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer&assertion=<JWT>' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' https://localhost:9443/oauth2/token
    curl -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -u bBhEoE2wIpU1zB8HA3GfvZz8xxAa:RKgXUC3pTRQg9xPpNwyuTPGtnSQa -k -d 'grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer&assertion=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE0NTgxNjY5ODUsInN1YiI6ImFkbWluIiwibmJmIjoxNDU4MTA2OTg1LCJhdWQiOlsiaHR0cHM6XC9cL2xvY2FsaG9zdDo5NDQzXC9vYXV0aDJcL3Rva2VuIiwid3NvMi1JUyJdLCJpc3MiOiJqd3RJRFAiLCJqdGkiOiJUb2tlbjU2NzU2IiwiaWF0IjoxNDU4MTA2OTg1fQ.ZcxdoTVEsWoil80ne42QzmsfelMWyjRZJEjUK1c2vMZJjjtrZnsWExyCA5tN6iXYFAXC_7rkFuuNSgOlBi51MNLPZw3WcgGI52j6apGEW92V2tib9zRRWOeLQLAdo8ae8KzLp7kuKZ2XunfQ2WYU9TvvLDm_vp5ruuYz3ZZrJOc' https://localhost:9443/oauth2/token 

    Note that a refresh token and access token get generated.
