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Identity Provisioning

Identity provisioning is key for Identity Federation.  See the following identity provisioning key concepts that are used in WSO2 Identity Server.

Provisioning framework

The identity provisioning framework is the main component that handles user/ role provisioning in WSO2 Identity Server. The WSO2 Identity Provisioning framework can be separated into three main components, such as Inbound provisioning, Outbound provisioning, and User store management.

The inbound provisioning component is used by the external applications to provision users to WSO2 Identity Server while outbound provisioning component is responsible for provisioning users from WSO2 Identity Server to external applications.  The user store management system is used to persist users within the system. For more information on how Identity provisioning is linked with the WSO2 Identity Server architecture, see Architecture.

The diagram given below gives you a high level idea of the provisioning framework.


Inbound provisioning

Inbound provisioning provisions users or groups in to the WSO2 Identity Server by an external application. These external applications are referred to as service providers. WSO2 Identity Server support the  SCIM API and SOAP-based Web service API standards for inbound provisioning. To get an understanding of how inbound provisioning is linked to the WSO2 Identity Server architecture, see Architecture.

Once the users or groups are provisioned to WSO2 Identity Server, you can:

  • Persist the users or groups within the Identity Server.

  • Persist the users or groups to the Identity Server and provision them to external applications using outbound provisioning.

  • Provision the users or groups to the external applications using outbound provisioning, without persisting them  internally.

SCIM is the most widely used industry adopted provisioning protocol. It has two main versions, such as SCIM 1.1 and SCIM 2.0. WSO2 Identity Server supports both these versions for inbound provisioning. By default, these APIs are protected by Basic authentication and Oauth 2.0.


Apart from the inbound provisioning mechanism, given below are the other methods you can add and manage users to WSO2 Identity Server:

Outbound provisioning

Outbound provisioning provisions users to a trusted identity provider from the WSO2 Identity Server. A trusted identity provider is basically an identity provider that supports inbound provisioning. It can be Google, Salesforce, another Identity Server, etc. Outbound Provisioning involves sending provisioning requests from the Identity Server to other external applications.

Outbound provisioning is supported via SCIM or SPML standards. There are outbound provisioning connectors for Google and Salesforce available by default in the Identity Server.

To cater to the provisioning requirement the Identity Server outbound provisioning component has different connectors for different protocol. These include the SCIM connector where the SCIM outbound connector only supports SCIM 1.1, Google connector, and Salesforce connectors. Check out the WSO2 IS connector store for more provisioning connectors.

That's not all, you can plug custom connectors to WSO2 Identity Server. See Writing an Outbound Provisioning Connector, for more information on writing an extension for a custom connector. Outbound provisioning configurations can be found under the Identity Provider configuration user interface of the WSO2 Identity Server management console.


For more information on how outbound provisioning fits with the WSO2 Identity Server architecture, see Architecture.

The following topics discuss the various ways you can configure outbound provisioning:

Just In Time provisioning

Just-In-Time (JIT) provisioning provisions users to the Identity Server at the time of federated authentication. When WSO2 Identity Server is used for federated authentication, it redirects the user to an external Identity Provider for authentication. JIT provisioning is triggered when the Identity Server receives a positive authentication response from the external Identity Provider. The Identity Server provisions the user to its internal user store using the user claims of the authentication response.

Using JIT provisioning you can:

  • Persist users within the Identity Server.

  • Persist users to the Identity Server and provision them to the external system using outbound provisioning.


For more information on how outbound provisioning fits with the WSO2 Identity Server architecture, see Architecture.
