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Enable Mobile Number Verification for an Updated Mobile Number


This capability is available as an update in WSO2 IS 5.10.0 from update level 21 onwards (Updates 2.0 model). If you don't already have this update, see the instructions on updating your product.

This feature enables mobile number verification when the user updates the user profile with a new mobile number, so that the new mobile number can be taken into consideration for all further activities performed by the user.

When a user updates their mobile number in the user profile, an SMS OTP is sent to the new mobile number. Until the new mobile number is successfully verified, the existing mobile number of the user will not be overridden.


  • This feature can be invoked via a PUT/PATCH request to the SCIM 2.0 /Users endpoint or /Me endpoint.
  • The verification on update capability is only supported for the claim.
  • An SMS OTP verification is not triggered if the mobile number to be updated is the same as the previously verified mobile number of the user.
  • Sending the SMS OTP verification is skipped in the following instances:
    1. The verifyMobile claim is not set to true in the SCIM 2.0 request.
    2. The claim update is invoked by a user other than the claim owner.
  • This feature only manages the verification flow internally. External verification capability is not offered.

Step 01 - Configuring mobile claim verification on update

  1. Add the following properties to the deployment.toml file in the IS_HOME/repository/conf folder to subscribe the userMobileVerification handler to PRE_SET_USER_CLAIMS and POST_SET_USER_CLAIMS events.

    name= "userMobileVerification"
  2. Define an attribute for a new claim pendingMobileNumber using Enterprise User Extension for SCIM2 by adding the following configuration to the IS_HOME/repository/conf/scim2-schema-extension.config file. (Add this before the last element of the JSON array.)

    "description":"Store user's mobile number to be updated as a temporary claim until mobile number verification happens.",

    Add pendingMobileNumber to the subAttributes list of urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User attribute (the last element of the JSON array).

    "description":"Enterprise User",
    "subAttributes":"verifyEmail askPassword employeeNumber costCenter organization division department manager pendingEmails pendingMobileNumber",
  3. Add a new SMS template for mobile number verification OTP by adding the below configuration to sms-templates-admin-config.xml file in IS_HOME/repository/conf/sms directory.

    <configuration type="verifyMobileOnUpdate" display="verifyMobileOnUpdate" locale="en_US">
        <body>Your Mobile Number Verification Code : {{confirmation-code}}</body>
  4. Add an event publisher to IS_HOME/repository/deployment/server/eventpublishers. For this sample, HTTPOutputEventAdapter.xml is used. The following sample publisher calls a REST Service to send confirmation codes.

    Sample Event Publisher
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <eventPublisher name="HTTPOutputEventAdapter" processing="enable"
        statistics="disable" trace="disable" xmlns="">
        <from streamName="id_gov_sms_notify_stream" version="1.0.0"/>
        <mapping customMapping="enable" type="json">
        <to eventAdapterType="http">
            <property name="http.client.method">httpPost</property>
            <property name="http.url"></property>


    This publisher uses NEXMO as the SMS REST service provider. For more information on writing a custom http event publisher, see HTTP Event Publisher.

  5. Restart the server to apply the configurations.

Step 02 - Adding the pending mobile number claim to store verification

  1. On the management console, navigate to Main > Claims > Add > Add Local Claim. Provide the following details and click Add.
    • Claim URI:
    • Display Name: Verification Pending Mobile
    • Description: To store the updated mobile number until it is verified.
    • Mapped Attribute (s): pendingMobileNumber
    • Read only: Ticked


  1. To map the claim created above to the attribute that was created in Enterprise User Extension, navigate to Main > Claims > Add > Add External Claim. Add the external claim configurations as shown below and click Add.
    • Dialect URI: urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User
    • External Claim URI: urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User:pendingMobileNumber
    • Mapped Local Claim:


Step 03 - Enable the feature via the management console

  1. On the management console, navigate to Main > Identity Providers > Resident > Account Management Policies > User Claim Update.

  2. Enable Enable user mobile number verification on update. Additionally, you can define the expiry time (in minutes) for the verification SMS OTP to match your requirement.


  3. Click Update to save the changes.


To enable this feature server-wide, follow the instructions given below.

  1. Shut down the server if it is running.
  2. Add the following properties to the deployment.toml file in IS_HOME/repository/conf to enable the feature and to configure the verification OTP expiry time.

    enable_verification = true
    verification_sms_otp_validity = “5”

Try it out

Updating the mobile number

Given below is a sample request and the relevant response for updating the mobile number via a PATCH operation to SCIM 2.0 Users endpoint.


curl -v -k --user [username]:[password] -X PATCH -d '{"schemas":[],"Operations":[{"op":[operation],
"value":{[attributeName]:[attribute value]}}]}' --header "Content-Type:application/json" https://localhost:9443/scim2/Users/[user ID]

Sample Request

curl -v -k --user bob123:pass123 -X PATCH -d '{"schemas":["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp"],
"Operations":[{"op":"replace","value":{"urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User": {"verifyMobile": "true"},
--header "Content-Type:application/json" https://localhost:9443/scim2/Users/1e624046-520c-4628-a245-091e04b03f21

Sample Response

    "emails": [
        "[email protected]"
    "meta": {
        "location": "https://localhost:9443/scim2/Users/6d433ee7-7cd4-47a3-810b-bc09023bc2ce",
        "lastModified": "2020-10-12T13:35:24.579Z",
        "resourceType": "User"
    "schemas": [
    "roles": [
            "type": "default",
            "value": "Internal/everyone"
    "name": {
        "givenName": "Bob",
        "familyName": "Smith"
    "id": "6d433ee7-7cd4-47a3-810b-bc09023bc2ce",
    "userName": "bob123",
    "phoneNumbers": [
            "type": "mobile",
            "value": "0111111111"
    "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User": {
        "pendingMobileNumber": "0123456789"

Upon receiving the response given above, the user will receive an SMS notification with a verification code to the new mobile number.

To validate the verification code sent to the user, use the existing validate-code and resend-code APIS of the Self Registration REST APIs.

Validating the verification code

The user can submit the SMS OTP code using the validate-code API. Given below is a sample request and the relevant response to submit the received verification code.


curl -k -v -X POST -H "Authorization: <Base64Encoded_username:password>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d 
'{ "code": "<validation_code>","properties": []}' "https://localhost:9443/api/identity/user/v1.0/me/validate-code"

Sample Request

curl -k -v -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic Ym9iMTIzOnBhc3MxMjM=" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "code": "123ABC","properties": []}'


"HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted"

Resending the verification code

The user can request to resend a new SMS OTP code using the resend-code API. Given below is a sample request and the relevant response to request a new verification code.


curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic <Base64Encoded_username:password>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"properties": []}' 

The verification scenario should be specified in the properties parameter of the request body as follows :

"properties": [{"key":"RecoveryScenario","value": "MOBILE_VERIFICATION_ON_UPDATE"}]

Sample Request

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic Ym9iMTIzOnBhc3MxMjM=" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"properties": [{"key":"RecoveryScenario","value": "MOBILE_VERIFICATION_ON_UPDATE"}]}' 


"HTTP/1.1 201 Created"

Related Topics

See Using the SCIM 2.0 Rest APIs for instructions on using SCIM 2.0 REST APIs.

For information on validate-code, and resend-code REST APIs, see the swagger docs on Self Registration REST APIs.
