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Configuring Fine-Grained Access Control with XACML

While authorization grants permission to access a resource, access control selectively restricts access to a resource. In this tutorial, we will learn how to enable fine-grained accesss control with eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) 3.0.

What's XACML?

XACML is a standard policy language that supports a standard way to write access control rules and evaluate access requests according to the rules defined in policies. It lets you form a query to ask whether the given action should be allowed or not, and interprets the result. To learn more about XACML, see Working with XACML.


Pickup is a cab company that has many employees who use different credentials to sign in to different internal enterprise applications. Following are two such applications:

  • Pickup Manager: This application helps manage the overall operations at Pickup.
  • Pickup Dispatch: This application helps allocate vehicles to drivers.

Following are three Pickup employees:

  • Larry: A manager who has permission to view old and current driver allocations via Pickup Dispatch.
  • Sam: An executive officer who is responsible of allocating new vehicles to drivers via Pickup Dispatch. Sam also has permission to view old and current driver allocations.
  • Kim: An HR manager who only has access to Pickup Manager.

Scenario Diagram

Let's creat a XACML policy that controls access to Pickup Dispatch accordingly!

Set up

Follow the steps below to create a XACML policy that controls access of John, Jane, and Richard.

Before you begin

  1. Run WSO2 Identity Sever.

  2. Sign in to the WSO2 Identity Server Management Console at https://<SERVER_HOST>:9443/carbon as an administrator.

  1. On the Main menu of the Management Console, click Entitlement > PAP > Policy Adminisration.

    Policy Administration menu-item

  2. Click Add New Entitlement Policy.

    Policy Administration menu-item

  3. Click Standard Policy Editor.

    Policy Administration menu-item

  4. Enter the required values as given below.

    Create a XACML Policy screen

    1. Entitlement Policy Name: This is the XACML policy name. Enter Pickup_Access_Control.

    2. Policy evaluation criterial: This defines the entity based on which the policy will be evaluated. To evaluate the resources that match with the /pickup-dispatch/.+ regex pattern, enter the following.

      Resource is equals-with-regex-match /pickup-dispatch/.+ END

    3. Rules:

      1. To grant view access to John and Jane, add the following rule element values.

        • Rule Name: This is the name of the XACML rule. Enter View_Access.

        • Rule Effect. This defines whether access is granted or permitted to the entities that match with the rule. Select Permit.

        • Rule Conditions: This defines the entity based on which the rule will be evaludated. To evaluate the resources that match with the /pickup-dispatch/.+ regex pattern, enter the following:

          Resource is equals-with-regex-match /pickup-dispatch/.+ END

        • Your Conditions: This defines the criteria to pick entities that match with the rule. To grant permissions to either Johne or Jane, when they are sending a GET request, enter the following rule element values.

          Subject is/are At-least-one-member-of John,Jane AND

          Note that another rule element row appears. Enter the following.

          Action is/are equal GET END

          Click Add. Note that the rule appears at the bottom of the screen.

          First XACML Rule

      2. Similarly, to grant edit access to Jane, add the following rule element values and click Add.

        • Rule Name: Edit_Access

        • Rule Effect: Permit

        • Rule Conditions:

          Resource is equals-with-regex-match /pickup-dispatch/.+ END

        • Your Conditiions:

          Subject is/are equal Jane AND

          Action is/are equal POST END

      3. To deny edit access for John and Richard, add the following rule element values and click Add.

        • Rule Name: Deny_Edit_Access

        • Rule Effect: Deny

        • Rule Conditions:

          Resource is equals-with-regex-match /pickup-dispatch/.+ END

        • Your Conditiions:

          Subject is/are at-least-one-member John,Richard AND

          Action is/are equal POST END

      4. To deny view access for Richard, add the following rule element values and click Add.

        • Rule Name: Deny_View_Access

        • Rule Effect: Deny

        • Rule Conditions:

          Resource is equals-with-regex-match /pickup-dispatch/.+ END

        • Your Conditiions:

          Subject is/are equal Richard AND

          Action is/are equal GET END

      You have successfully created four access control rules for the XACML policy.

  5. To save the XACML policy, click Finish.

Try out

Follow the steps below to test the XACML policy that you created above.

  1. On the Policy Administration screen of the Management Console, locate the newly added XACML policy.

    XACML Policy Location

  2. Click Try. Note that the TryIt screen appears.

    XACML Policy Location

  3. To mimic a GET request to the /pickup-dispatch/protected/index.jsp resource by John,

    1. Enter the following request element values.

      • Resource: /pickup-dispatch/protected/index.jsp
      • Subject Name: John
      • Action Name: GET
    2. Click Test Evaluate. A message indicating that John is permitted to perform the GET request to the given resource, appears.

  4. To mimic a POST request to the /pickup-dispatch/protected/index.jsp resource by John, change the Action Name to POST and click Test Evaluate.

  5. To mimic a POST request by Jane to the same resource, change the Subject Name to Jane and click Test Evaluate. A message indicating that Jane is permitted to send the POST request to the given resource, appears.

  6. To mimic a GET request by Richard, change the Subject Name back to Richard and Action Name to GET and click Test Evaluate. A message indicating that Richard is not permitted to send the POST request to the given resource appears.
