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Writing a Web Service Client for Authentication and User Admin Services

This topic demonstrates how to use different web services API exposed by Identity Server, to write a client application " remote-user-mgt " to handle user management functionality (ex: create user, create roles, assign roles) of WSO2 Identity Server remotely. The remote-user-mgt sample uses AuthenticationAdmin, RemoteUserStoreManagerService and RemoteAuthorizationManagerService admin services to perform different operations. Go through the remote-user-mgt sample implementation to see details.


You can learn more about the admin services used in this sample by referring Calling Admin Services, Managing Users and Roles with APIs and Managing Permissions with APIs .

  1. The code for the sample can be checked out from the GitHub repository.
  2. Once you have downloaded the samples, go to the <Sample_Home>/user-mgt/remote-user-mgt directory to build the remote user management client.


    <Samples_Home> is referred to the root directory of the WSO2 Identity Server's samples.

  3. Make sure the URL of the remote server (remote.server.url), credentials of the user who performs user management operations (, user.password) and truststore (truststore.path, truststore.password) configured in <Samples_Home>/ user-mgt/remote-user-mgt/client.propeties are correct with respect to your environment. If you have changed the private key in the identity server, import the public certificate of the identity server to the truststore (client-truststore.jks) of the sample client in <Samples_Home>/user-mgt/remote-user-mgt/src/main/resources/keystore.

  4. Build the client using mvn install .

  5. Once the client is built successfully, run the file in Unix or remote-user-mgt-client.bat in Windows. You can see that the actions performed is being printed by the client.


The service stubs are available at WSO2 Maven Repository and can be added as dependencies to the project. Also, you can generate the service stubs from the WSDL file available at https://localhost:9443/services/<ServiceName>?wsdl

In order to enable access to the WSDL files, add the following configuration in the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file and restart the server.

enable = false