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Default Ports of WSO2 Products

This page describes the default ports that are used for each WSO2 product when the port offset is 0. If you are running multiple WSO2 products on the same server, you must set the offset value in <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file to a different value for each product so that there are no port conflicts.

offset = ""

For example, if you are running two WSO2 products on the same server, and you set the port offset to 1 in one product and 2 in the second product, the management console port will be changed from the default of 9443 to 9444 in the first product and to 9445 in the second product. See here for more information on changing the offset.

Common ports

The following ports are common to all WSO2 products that provide the given feature. Some features are bundled in the WSO2 Carbon platform itself and therefore are available in all WSO2 products by default.

Management console ports

WSO2 products that provide a management console use the following servlet transport ports:

  • 9443 - HTTPS servlet transport (the default URL of the management console is https://localhost:9443/carbon )
  • 9763 - HTTP servlet transport

LDAP server ports

Provided by default in the WSO2 Carbon platform.

  • 10389 - Used in WSO2 products that provide an embedded LDAP server

KDC ports

  • 8000 - Used to expose the Kerberos key distribution center server

JMX monitoring ports

WSO2 Carbon platform uses TCP ports to monitor a running Carbon instance using a JMX client such as JConsole. By default, JMX is enabled in all products. To disable it, see Disabling JMX for the server.

  • 11111 - RMIRegistry port. Used to monitor Carbon remotely
  • 9999 - RMIServer port. Used along with the RMIRegistry port when Carbon is monitored from a JMX client that is behind a firewall

Clustering ports

To cluster any running Carbon instance, either one of the following ports must be opened.

  • 45564 - Opened if the membership scheme is multicast
  • 4000 - Opened if the membership scheme is wka

Random ports

Certain ports are randomly opened during server startup. This is due to specific properties and configurations that become effective when the product is started. Note that the IDs of these random ports will change every time the server is started.

  • A random TCP port will open at server startup because of the property set in the server startup script. This property is used for the JMX monitoring facility in JVM.
  • A random UDP port is opened at server startup due to the log4j appender Syslog Appender, which is configured in the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/ file.

    # Uncomment the below lines to use the Syslog Appender
    #appender.syslog.type = Syslog = Syslog = localhost
    #appender.syslog.port = 514
    #appender.syslog.layout.type = PatternLayout
    #appender.syslog.layout.pattern = [%d] [%tenantId] %5p {%c} - %mm%ex%n
    #appender.syslog.filter.threshold.type = ThresholdFilter
    #appender.syslog.filter.threshold.level = DEBUG

WSO2 Identity Server ports

WSO2 IS also opens the following additional ports.

  • 8000 - KDCServerPort : the port on which KDC (Kerberos Key Distribution Center) server runs
  • 10500 - ThriftEntitlementReceivePort

Changing the offset for default ports

When you run multiple WSO2 products, multiple instances of the same product, or multiple WSO2 product clusters on the same server or virtual machines (VMs), you must change their default ports with an offset value to avoid port conflicts. The default HTTP and HTTPS ports (without offset) of a WSO2 product are 9763 and 9443 respectively. Port offset defines the number by which all ports defined in the runtime such as the HTTP/S ports will be changed. For example, if the default HTTP port is 9763 and the port offset is 1, the effective HTTP port will change to 9764. For each additional WSO2 product instance, you set the port offset to a unique value. The default port offset is 0.

There are two ways to set an offset to a port:

  • Pass the port offset to the server during startup. The following command starts the server with the default port incremented by 3 :./ -DportOffset=3
  • Set the offset value in the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file as follows:

    offset = ""

Usually, when you offset the port of the server, all ports it uses are changed automatically. However, there are few exceptions as follows in which you have to change the ports manually according to the offset. The following table indicates the changes that occur when the offset value is modified.

WSO2 Server instance


Sample Default Port Value

WSO2 Product 1



WSO2 Product 2



WSO2 Product 3



WSO2 Product 4



WSO2 Product 5


