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Invoke the OAuth Introspection Endpoint

The OAuth Introspection endpoint is as follows:

OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection defines a protocol that allows authorized protected resources to query the authorization server to determine the set of metadata for a given token that was presented to them by an OAuth Client. This metadata includes whether the token is currently active (or if it has expired or otherwise been revoked ), what rights of access the token carries (usually conveyed through OAuth 2.0 scopes), and the authorization context in which the token was granted (including who authorized the token and which client it was issued to). Token introspection allows a protected resource to query this information regardless of whether it is carried in the token itself, allowing this method to be used along with or independently of structured token values.

The states and descriptions of authorization codes and access tokens are as follows.

  • Authorization codes:

    1. ACTIVE - Valid and yet to be exchanged for an access token.
    2. INACTIVE - Invalid and already being exchanged for an access token.
    3. EXPIRED - Invalid as it got expired before being exchanged to an access token.
  • Access tokens:

    1. ACTIVE - Valid access token. Although the state is ACTIVE, the timestamp calculation may reveal it to be EXPIRED, but this happens only during the first access token request or token validation request after expiration.
    2. INACTIVE - Refreshed using refresh_token grant type before expiration. Also, this state is used in cases when users and user stores are deleted, user passwords are updated, etc.
    3. EXPIRED - Invalid and expired access token. Refresh token can still be valid though.
    4. REVOKED - Revoked access token. Refresh token also gets revoked along with access token. Access token could have been in ACTIVE or EXPIRED state while revoking.

Invoking the endpoint for the super tenant

Use the following cURL commands given in the following sections to invoke the OAuth introspection endpoint for the super tenant users.


  • For requests that require CLIENT_ID:CLIENT_SECRET, use the client ID and client secret of the OAuth service provider. For more information on creating an OAuth service provider, see Configuring Inbound Authentication for a Service Provider.
  • For requests that require USERNAME:PASSWORD, by default you can use credentials of any user with "/permission/admin/manage/identity/applicationmgt/view" permissions. To allow users with other permissions to send validation requests, the permissions can be added to the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml ` file.

    permissions = ["/permission/admin/manage/identity/applicationmgt/view","/permission/admin/login"]
  • Token introspection across tenant domains is enabled by default. To disable cross tenant token validation, add the following configuration to the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file and restart the server.

    allow_cross_tenant = false

Get a valid token


Validate the token


You can pass the token type as an optional parameter in the request (e.g., token_type_hint=access_token or token_type_hint=refresh_token).


Get a valid token with a scope


Validate the token


Invalid token

If the token that you used is invalid, you get the following response:


Empty token

If you leave the token parameter empty as shown below, you get the  following response :


Invoking the endpoint for tenants

Use the following cURL commands given in the following sections to invoke the OAuth introspection endpoint for tenant users.


  • For requests that require CLIENT_ID:CLIENT_SECRET, use the client ID and client secret of the OAuth service provider. For more information on creating an OAuth service provider, see Configuring Inbound Authentication for a Service Provider .
  • For requests that require USERNAME@TENANT_DOMAIN:PASSWORD, by default you can use credentials of any user with "/permission/admin/manage/identity/applicationmgt/view" permissions.

Get a valid token


Validate the token


You can use any of the request formats given below:



Get a valid token with a scope


Validate the token


You can use any of the request formats given below:



Invalid token

If the token that you used is invalid, you get the following response:



Empty token

If you leave the token parameter empty as shown below, you get the following response:





Above samples only explains validating a token obtained for Client credentials grant using the introspect endpoint. Similarly, you may invoke introspection endpoint with a token obtained from any other grant type as well.
