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OpenID Connect Hybrid Flow

WSO2 Identity Server supports the OpenID Connect hybrid flow for authentication.

Specifying any of the following response_type values in an authorization request selects the hybrid flow for authentication.


It is not recommended to use code token and code id_token token response types as they do not adhere to best practices and may introduce security risks.

To understand how the response_type value specified in an authorization request selects the hybrid flow to be the authentication flow, let's take a look at the following response_type values in detail.

Register a service provider

To register your application as a service provider in the WSO2 Identity Server:

  1. Log in to the WSO2 Identity Server Management Console using administrator credentials.

  2. Go to Main > Identity > Service Providers > Add.

  3. Enter a Service Provider Name. Optionally, enter a Description.

  4. Click Register.

Configure the service provider

Make the following changes to the created service provider.

  1. Expand Inbound Authentication Configuration > OAuth/OpenID Connect Configuration and click Configure.

  2. Enter the Callback Url.


    The Callback Url is the exact location in the service provider's application to which an access token will be sent. This URL should be the URL of the page that the user is redirected to after successful authentication.

  3. Click Add. Note the OAuth Client Key and OAuth Client Secret that appear.


To configure more advanced configurations, see OAuth/OpenID Connect Configurations.

Try out the flows

Let's try out the different OIDC hybrid flows by specifyin the following response types in the authorization request.

Get code and access token

This response_type requests a code and an access token from the authorization endpoint.

  1. Use the following authorization request with code token as the response_type.

    Request Format

    https://<host>:<port>/oauth2/authorize?response_type=code token&client_id=<oauth_client_key>&nonce=asd&redirect_uri=<redirect_uri>&scope=openid

    Sample Request

    https://localhost:9443/oauth2/authorize?response_type=code token&client_id=N_nhS_UXctKHofSyLju1rbt_Cbwa&nonce=asd&redirect_uri=http://localhost:8080/playground2/oauth2client&scope=openid

    You will receive the following sample response upon successful authorization.

  2. Send the code to the token endpoint using the following curl command to request for an access token, refresh token, and id_token.

    Request Format

    curl -k -v --basic -u <oauth_client_key>:<oauth_client_secret> -d "grant_type=<grant_type>&code=<code>&redirect_uri=<redirect_uri>" https://<host>:<port>/oauth2/token

    Sample Request

    curl -k -v --basic -u N_nhS_UXctKHofSyLju1rbt_Cbwa:AOkWrH42XKRSsFongXpUnR6mpHYa -d "grant_type=authorization_code&code=99b34587–5483–374d-8b25–50485498e761&redirect_uri=http://localhost:8080/playground2/oauth2client" https://localhost:9443/oauth2/token

    You will receive the following response from the token endpoint.

  3. Optionally, you can decrypt the id_token. It will be similar to the decrypted id_token shown below.

      "isk": "fd27598eb9e0fa017b56ceb9ef20d969953d6aff177489aa04ccf05164925b9d",
      "at_hash": "5bbZ08zEB5e5SH5BBDWfiQ",
      "aud": "CVyQeM5P33gfN80vur3NcxzPgHwa",
      "c_hash": "mDRFcKp1bw__dmLi4QD-mA",
      "sub": "admin",
      "nbf": 1615868933,
      "azp": "CVyQeM5P33gfN80vur3NcxzPgHwa",
      "amr": [
      "iss": "https://localhost:9443/oauth2/token",
      "exp": 1615872533,
      "iat": 1615868933,
      "nonce": "asd"

There can be instances where you get two access tokens. One from the authorization endpoint and the other from the token endpoint. These two access tokens may or may not be same.

Get code and id token

This response_type requests a code and an id_token from the authorization endpoint.

  1. Use the following authorization request with code id_token as the response_type.

    Request Format

    https://<host>:<port>/oauth2/authorize?response_type=code id_token&client_id=<oauth_client_key>&nonce=asd&redirect_uri=<redirect_uri>&scope=openid

    Sample Request

    https://localhost:9443/oauth2/authorize?response_type=code id_token&client_id=N_nhS_UXctKHofSyLju1rbt_Cbwa&nonce=asd&redirect_uri=http://localhost:8080/playground2/oauth2client&scope=openid

    You will receive the following response upon successful authorization:



    You will not receive an Id Token if the nonce value is a not present in the request.

  2. Optionally, you can decrypt the id_token. It will be similar to the decrypted id_token shown below.

      "isk": "241051e68ba582c666c01e0c95cb926cd869841f9da3299da7e162960ed94624",
      "at_hash": "OloIgUvAFrV5cCHAXOF6Lg",
      "aud": "CVyQeM5P33gfN80vur3NcxzPgHwa",
      "c_hash": "WYZEvUJ88jFo5fHMaqFxCg",
      "sub": "admin",
      "azp": "CVyQeM5P33gfN80vur3NcxzPgHwa",
      "amr": [
      "iss": "https://localhost:9443/oauth2/token",
      "exp": 1615868617,
      "iat": 1615865017,
      "nonce": "asd"


    Here, the id_token is required to have a c_hash value.

    c_hash is the base64url encoding of the left-most half of a hash of the octets in the ASCII representation of a code value, where the hash algorithm used is the hash algorithm of the alg header parameter of the ID token’s JOSE header.

    The c_hash value is mandatory when an id_token is issued with code, and the response_type is equal to code id_token or code id_token token .

  3. You can send the code to the token endpoint to request for an access token, refresh token and id_token. For this you can use the same curl command provided for the code token specified above.

    You will receive the following response from the token endpoint.

  4. You can decrypt this id_token as well. It will be similar to the decrypted id_token shown below.

      "isk": "caad9deb3664127b02d5c9e435d6472324e782c2220ef6444ed9afe42ea5793f",
      "at_hash": "5bbZ08zEB5e5SH5BBDWfiQ",
      "aud": "CVyQeM5P33gfN80vur3NcxzPgHwa",
      "c_hash": "sOtIn8I_T0EuDgZAPlPlUg",
      "sub": "admin",
      "nbf": 1615869516,
      "azp": "CVyQeM5P33gfN80vur3NcxzPgHwa",
      "amr": [
      "iss": "https://localhost:9443/oauth2/token",
      "exp": 1615873116,
      "iat": 1615869516,
      "nonce": "asd"
  5. If there are two id_tokens issued, where one id_token is from authorization endpoint and other is from token endpoint, be sure to perform the neccessary validations, which are based on the OpenID Connect specification.

Get code, access token, and id token

This response_type requests a code, an access token, and an id_token from the authorization endpoint.

  1. Use the following authorization request with code id_token token as the response_type.

    Request Format

    https://<host>:<port>/oauth2/authorize?response_type=code id_token token&client_id=<oauth_client_key>&nonce=asd&redirect_uri=<redirect_uri>&scope=openid

    Sample Request

    https://localhost:9443/oauth2/authorize?response_type=code id_token token&client_id=N_nhS_UXctKHofSyLju1rbt_Cbwa&nonce=asd&redirect_uri=http://localhost:8080/playground2/oauth2client&scope=openid

    You will receive the following upon successful authorization.

  2. Optionally, you can decrypt the id_token. It will be similar to the decrypted id_token shown below.

      "isk": "5b56e5588bf720da461c05a99dda71f92507a0fe4f6b05e7507bec761f03ff9e",
      "at_hash": "5bbZ08zEB5e5SH5BBDWfiQ",
      "aud": "CVyQeM5P33gfN80vur3NcxzPgHwa",
      "c_hash": "dCyynee05BJmBkQ4vZos6A",
      "sub": "admin",
      "azp": "CVyQeM5P33gfN80vur3NcxzPgHwa",
      "amr": [
      "iss": "https://localhost:9443/oauth2/token",
      "exp": 1615874290,
      "iat": 1615870690,
      "nonce": "asd"
  3. You can send the code to the token endpoint to request for an access token, refresh token and id_token. You can use the same curl command provided for the code token specified above.

    You will receive the following response from the token endpoint.

  4. If there are two id_tokens issued, where one id_token is from authorization endpoint and other is from token endpoint, be sure to perform the neccessary validations, which are based on the OpenID Connect specification.

id_token validations

  1. Ensure that the iss and sub claim values are identical in the two id_tokens .

  2. If any one of the ID tokens contain claims about the end user, and are present in both, the values of the claims should be the same in both.

  3. All claims about the authentication event that is present in either should be present in both.

  4. The at_hash and c_hash claims may be omitted from the ID token returned from the token endpoint even when the claims are present in the ID token returned from the authorization endpoint.
