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Monitor workflow requests

You can monitor the workflow requests through the management console.

To analyze the workflow request data, on the Management Console, go to Monitor > Workflow Requests. You will be able to see the workflow requests.


To monitor these requests, a user needs be assigned to a role with the following permissions:

  • /permission/admin/manage/identity/workflow/association/view
  • /permission/admin/manage/identity/workflow/monitor/view

For more details, see how to configure roles and permissions.

Filter workflow requests

The displayed workflow requests can be filtered based on the following criteria:

  • request type
  • status of the workflow request
  • timestamp that the requests were triggered or updated

Workflow request sample


In addition, the Event Type, you can view the following request parameters.

  • Workflow Request ID
  • Workflow Name
  • Current status

To view the request parameters, click Workflows under the Actions column in the Workflow Request List.
