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Run the Product

The sections given below cover the way to start and stop WSO2 Identity Server using the command line and configuring it via the Management Console.

  • Start the server
  • Access the management console
  • Stop the server


For information on installation prerequisites, click here.

Start the server

Follow the relevant instructions based on the operating system you use.


If you are running multiple WSO2 products on the same server, see Default Ports of WSO2 Products for instructions on setting a port offset.

Start on Windows/Linux/Mac OS

To start the server, run either

  • wso2server.bat (on Windows) or
  • (on Linux/Mac OS) script,

which are located inside the <IS_HOME>/bin folder. Alternatively, you can install and run the server as a Windows service.


To start the server in the background mode of Linux, run the start command.


If the path to the directory is long, Windows will shorten it using " ~ ". In that case, you MUST set the actual path to the CARBON_HOME variable in the <IS_HOME>/bin/wso2server.bat file. Add following entry at the top of the <IS_HOME>/bin/wso2server.bat file.

  1. Open a command prompt:

    • Windows: Start -> Run, enter cmd at the prompt, and click Enter.

    • Linux/Mac OS: establish an SSH connection to the server or log in to the text Linux console.

  2. Execute one of the following commands to start the server.

    • On Windows: <IS_HOME>/bin/wso2server.bat --run

    • On Linux/Mac OS: sh <IS_HOME>/bin/


      If you need to provide access to the production environment without allowing any user group (including admin) to log in to the management console, execute one of the following commands.

      • On Windows: <IS_HOME>\bin\wso2server.bat --run -DworkerNode

      • On Linux/Mac OS: sh <IS_HOME>/bin/ -DworkerNode

      To know the additional actions you can perform, enter -help after the command. For example, sh <IS_HOME>/bin/ -help.

Once the server has started, the operation log will display WSO2 Carbon started in 'n' seconds.

Start on Solaris

To start the server, navigate to <IS_HOME>/bin and run  from the command prompt. The required steps are as follows.


The following instructions are tested for an Oracle Solaris 10 8/11 x86 environment.

  1. Get Command Prompt: Launch -> Run Applications -> enter dtterm -> click Enter.

  2. Execute the following command to start the server

    <IS_HOME>/bin/ bash

  3. The operation log appears in the command window. When the product server has successfully started, the log displays the message "WSO2 Carbon started in 'n' seconds".


To start the product as a service/nohup mode in Solaris, modify the <IS_HOME>/bin/ file as mentioned below.

  1. Open the <IS_HOME>/bin/ file in a text editor.
  2. Search for the occurrences nohup sh "$CARBON_HOME"/bin/ $args > /dev/null 2>&1 &
  3. Replace those occurrences with nohup bash "$CARBON_HOME"/bin/ $args > /dev/null 2>&1 &


    Replace sh with bash in the above occurences.

  4. Start the product.

Access the management console

Once the server has started, you can access the management console by navigating to the URL of the management console. The URL is displayed towards the end of the server start script's console and log. The URL should be in the following format.

https://<Server Host>:9443/carbon

Use the above URL to access the management console via any computer connected to the Internet or LAN. When accessing the management console from the same server where it is installed, enter "localhost" instead of the IP address. Use admin as both the username and password to log in to the management console.

Example: https://localhost:9443/carbon .


If you wish to change the url of the management console, click here.


When the management console sign-in page appears, the web browser displays an "Insecure Connection" message, since the IS is packed with a self-signed certificate. Accept the certificate and proceed to the sign-in page.


This scenario is suitable for testing purposes, or for running a program on the internal networks of a company. If you want to make the management console available to external users, obtain a certificate signed by a well-known certificate authority.


If you leave the management console unattended, the session will time out. The default timeout value is 15 minutes, but you can change this in the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/tomcat/carbon/WEB-INF/web.xml file as follows.


Restrict Access to the Management Console and Web Applications

You can restrict access to the management console by binding the management console with selected IP addresses. You can achieve this by having a load balancer in your deployment prior to the server.

Shut the server down and restart the server

You can shutdown the server via the management or using the command terminal. Following steps will guide you through the procedure.

Shut down and restart via the management console

You can use the "Shutdown/Restart" feature to shut down and restart the server from the management console UI. The server can be shut down and restarted "gracefully" or "forcefully." Follow the instructions below to shut down and restart the server.

  1. Navigate to the Main -> Manage -> Click Shutdown/Restart.
  2. Click on the shutdown or restart option as applicable. The available options are:

    Shut-Down and Restart screen

    • Graceful shutdown - Stops accepting new requests, continues to process already received requests, and then shuts down the server.
    • Forced shutdown - Discards any requests currently being processed and immediately shuts the server down
    • Graceful Restart - Stops accepting new requests, continues to process already received requests, and then restarts the server.
    • Immediate Restart - Discards any requests currently being processed and immediately restarts the server.

Shut down and restart via the command window

To stop the server, press Ctrl+C in the command window.


To stop the server in the background mode of Linux, run the stopcommand.

Restart via the command window

If you started the server with the command, you will not be able to restart the server from the command window.

If you wish to restart the server from the command window, follow the steps given below.

  1. Navigate to <IS_HOME>/bin and start the server with the sh start command. NOTE: This will run the server without displaying the debug logs.

    If you wish to see the logs, use tail -f ../repository/logs/wso2carbon.log command. NOTE the given path in the command, ../repository/logs/ is relative to the bin folder.

  2. To restart the server, use sh restart.

  3. To stop the server, use sh stop.
