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Configure SMS OTP for two-factor authentication

This page guides you through configuring two-factor authentication for a web application using SMS OTP as the second factor.

Set up SMS OTP provider

  1. Download the certificate of the SMS provider.


    If you wish to have NEXMO as your SMS provider:

    1. Go to the SMS provider's website,
    2. Click on the security padlock next to the URL, and export the certificate.
  2. Navigate to the <IS_HOME>/repository/resources/security directory and import the downloaded certificate into the WSO2 IS client keystore.

    keytool -importcert -file <CERTIFICATE_FILE_PATH> -keystore client-truststore.jks -alias "Nexmo" 
  3. You are prompted to enter the keystore password. The default client-truststore.jks password is wso2carbon.

Enable SMS OTP for an SP


  • You need to set up the sample application.
  • You need to configure local claims for the application:
    1. On the management console, go to the application you created and click Edit
    2. Expand Claim configuration.
    3. Select as the Subject Claim URI.
    4. Click Update to save the configurations.
  • You need to update the User Profile of the users with a mobile number to which the user will receive the OTP.
  • You need to register an Identity Provider named smsOTP.
  • Set up the SMS OTP provider (example: Vonage, Clickatell, Plivo, Bulksms, Twillio).

Configure the SMS OTP authenticator

To configure the SMS OTP authenticator:

  1. On the management console, go to Identity Providers > List.
  2. Click on Edit corresponding to the smsOTP identity provider.
  3. Expand Federated Authenticators > SMS OTP Configuration.
  4. Enable the SMS OTP authenticator by selecting the Enable option provided.
  5. Enter SMS URL, HTTP Method, HTTP Headers and HTTP Payload according to the SMS service provider you are using.


    • The above parameters depend on the service provider that you use.

    • If the text message and the phone number are passed as parameters in any field, include them as $ctx.num and $ctx.msg respectively.

    • Optionally, enter the HTTP Response Code the SMS service provider sends when the API is successfully called. If this value is unknown, leave it blank, and the connector checks if the response is 200, 201, or 202.

    Configure Vonage

    If you have configured Vonage as your SMS provider, add the following details when configuring the SMS provider on IS.

    SMS URL<API_KEY>&api_secret=<API_SECRET>&from=NEXMO&to=$ctx.num&text=$ctx.msg
    HTTP Method POST
    HTTP Response Code 200

    Configure Clickatell

    If you have configured Clickatell as your SMS provider, add the following details when configuring the SMS provider on IS.

    HTTP Method POST
    HTTP Header X-Version: 1,Authorization: bearer ,Accept: application/json,Content-Type: application/json
    HTTP Payload {"text":" $ctx.msg ","to":[" $ctx.num "]}
    HTTP Response Code 202

    Configure Plivo

    If you have configured Plivo as your SMS provider, add the following details when configuring the SMS provider on IS.

    SMS URL{auth_id}/Message/
    HTTP Method POST
    HTTP Header Authorization: Basic ********,Content-Type: application/json
    HTTP Payload {"src":"+94*********","dst":"ctx.num","text":"ctx.msg"}
    HTTP Response Code 202

    Configure Bulksms

    If you have configured Bulksms as your SMS provider, add the following details when configuring the SMS provider on IS.

    SMS URL<username>&password=<password>&message=$ctx.msg&msisdn=$ctx.num
    HTTP Method POST
    HTTP Header Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    HTTP Response Code 200

    Configure Twillio

    If you have configured Twillio as your SMS provider, add the following details when configuring the SMS provider on IS.

    SMS URL<AccountSID>/SMS/Messages.json
    HTTP Method POST
    HTTP Header Authorization: Basic base64{AccountSID:AuthToken}
    HTTP Payload Body=$ctx.msg&To=$ctx.num&From=urlencode{FROM_NUM}

  6. Click Update to save the configurations.

Configure SMS OTP as the second factor

To configure SMS OTP as the second authentication factor:

  1. On the management console, go to Main > Identity > Service Providers > List.

  2. Click Edit on the service provider.

  3. Expand the Local and Outbound Authentication Configuration section and click Advanced Configuration.

  4. You will be redirected to Advanced Configuration.

  5. Click + Add Authentication Step twice to add two authentication steps.

  6. Select the following authentication methods from the relevant dropdowns and click + Add Authenticator.

    Authentication step Local Authenticator Federated Authenticator
    First step Username & Password N/A
    Second step N/A smsOTP
  7. Click Update to save the configurations.

Try it out

  1. Access the following sample Pickup Dispatch application URL:

  2. Click Login and enter admin's credentials.

  3. You will now be prompted to enter an SMS OTP code. The SMS OTP will be sent to the mobile number configured on the user's profile.

    email otp

  4. Enter the SMS OTP received and click Continue.

You will now be logged into the application successfully.

Additional configurations

Allow users to disable SMS OTP

To allow users to disable SMS OTP:

  1. On the management console, go to **Claims > List**and select
  2. Click on Edit corresponding to the Disable SMSOTP claim
  3. Select the Supported By Default checkbox to enable the Disable SMSOTP claim.
  4. Click Update to save your changes.

Verify if Disable SMSOTP is enabled for users

To verify whether the option is available for the users

  1. Go to the user profile of any user and check whether the Disable SMSOTP option is available.

  2. To disable SMS OTP in the user profile, enter True in the Disable SMSOTP field and click Update.

Configure backup codes

Optionally, you can configure backup codes to be used when SMS OTP is disabled.

To configure backup SMS OTP codes:

  1. On the management console, go to Main > Identity > Claims > Add.

  2. Click Add Local Claim, and enter the following details:

    Field name Value
    Claim URI
    Display Name backupotp
    Description Backup codes for SMS OTP
    Mapped Attribute postalcode
    Supported by Default Selected

  3. Click Add to add the new local claim.

Add backup codes for users

A backup code can have any number of digits, and you can define many backup codes as comma-separated values. For Example, 10300,21390

  1. On the Management Console, go to Identity > Users and Roles > List > Users.

  2. Select the user you want to add backup codes for and click User Profile.

  3. Add the backup codes so that the user can disable SMS OTP by selecting Disable SMS OTP if required.
