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Change to MariaDB

By default, WSO2 Identity Server uses the embedded H2 database as the database for storing user management and registry data. Given below are the steps you need to follow in order to use MariaDB.

Datasource configurations

A datasource is used to establish the connection to a database. By default, WSO2_IDENTITY_DB and WSO2_SHARED_DB datasources are used to connect to the default H2 database.

  • WSO2_SHARED_DB - The datasource which stores registry and user management data.
  • WSO2_IDENTITY_DB - The datasource specific to the identity server which stores identity related data.

After setting up the MariaDB database, you can point WSO2_IDENTITY_DB or WSO2_SHARED_DB or both to the MariaDB database by following the instructions given below.

Change the default datasource

Add the following configurations to change to MariaDB in the <IS-HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file. A sample configuration is given below.

type = "database_unique_id"

type = "mariadb"
url = "jdbc:mariadb://"
username = "root"
password = "mypass"
maxActive = "80"
minIdle ="5"
testOnBorrow = true
validationQuery="SELECT 1"

type = "mariadb"
url = "jdbc:mariadb://"
username = "root"
password = "mypass"
maxActive = "80"
minIdle ="5"
testOnBorrow = true
validationQuery="SELECT 1"