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Blue-Green Data Encryption Key Rotation

This section contains the complete process you need to follow in order to perform symmetric data encryption key rotation in WSO2 Identity Sever(WSO2 IS version 5.11.0 and above).

Key rotation can be defined as retiring an encryption key and replacing it with a new key. Data is encrypted using a key known as a Data Encryption Key(DEK) and the DEK is then encrypted with another key called Key Encryption Key(KEK). This is known as envelope encryption. Frequent rotations of these encryption keys are considered as an industry best practice by PCI DSS and NIST standards.

Why should you rotate encryption keys?


Originator Usage Period (OUP) is the time period during which encryption is applied to data.

  • A cryptoperiod is the time span during which a specific key is authorized for use. NIST SP 800-57 recommends different cryptoperiods for different encryption key types.

    • Symmetric Data Encryption Keys

      • OUP recommended for large volumes of data is about a day or a week.
      • OUP recommended for smaller volumes of data is about 2 years.
    • Symmetric Key, Wrapping Keys

      • OUP recommended for a key that wraps a large number of keys is about a day or a week.
      • OUP recommended for a key that wraps a smaller number of keys is up to 2 years.
  • Security compliance requirements

  • Security breach requirements


The above-mentioned cryptoperiods can vary based on other factors like the sensitivity of data and the amount of data we have.


WSO2 Identity Server has the following key usages for signing/encrypting data and each of these types will have different key rotation requirements.

  • TLS Connection
  • Signing and encryption of data (JWT assertions, payloads) shared with external parties (SP, IdP).
  • Encryption of sensitive runtime level configuration secrets/user data persisted in datastores and user stores.
  • Encryption of sensitive deployment-level configuration data in configuration files.

From WSO2 IS 5.11.0 onwards, symmetric encryption is used to encrypt the internal sensitive runtime data above. The DEK used to encrypt these data is configured in the deployment.toml file and it is protected by a KEK. The secure vault is utilized as of now to protect this DEK. Here, only the rotation of the Data Encryption Key configured in the deployment.toml file is considered.

DEK rotation frequency

In the case of a security compliance requirement, we can see that symmetric DEK rotation can be done in 2 years or less based on the volume of data present.

In a security breach scenario, we must rotate the DEK immediately and re-encrypt all the data to the new DEK.

Key Rotation Approach

WSO2 IS has introduced an external tool that re-encrypts internal data after rotation of the configured symmetric data encryption key. Here, the re-encryption of the identity and registry databases and some configuration files is considered. Apart from that, the tool syncs end-user data that gets generated in the live system to the new setup.

The external Java client that performs the above tasks can be created by following the steps here.

Tables that support re-encryption

At the moment, the tables given below are supported for re-encryption.

Table Fields
IDN_IDENTITY_USER_DATA TOTP secretKey and verifiedSecretKey claims
IDN_OAUTH2_AUTHORIZATION_CODE OAuth2 authorization codes
IDN_OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN OAuth2 access and refresh tokens
WF_BPS_PROFILE BPS profile password
WF_REQUEST WF request credentials
REG_PROPERTY Keystore passwords, Keystore privatekeyPass, and Entitlement subscriberPasswords

Configuration files that support re-encryption

At the moment, the configuration files given below are supported for re-encryption.

Configuration file Path Property
Event publishers /repository/deployment/server/eventpublishers files Password
Super tenant secondary user stores /repository/deployment/server/userstores/<userstore> files Password
Tenant secondary userstores /repository/tenants/<tenant_id>/userstores/<userstore> files Password

Tables that support syncing

At the moment, the tables given below can be synced during key rotation from the old setup to the new setup. Any other data will not be persisted in the new setup.

Table Purpose Recommendation
IDN_IDENTITY_USER_DATA Identity claims when the identity data store is enabled Usually recommended to sync if identity management features are enabled in the system
IDN_OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN OAuth 2.0 tokens Need to sync if the tokens created during the key rotation period need to be valid after key rotation
IDN_OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN_SCOPE OAuth 2.0 scopes If the IDN_OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN is synced, this table also needs to be synced
IDN_OAUTH2_AUTHORIZATION_CODE OAuth 2.0 authorization codes Need to sync if the authorization codes created during the key rotation period need to be valid after key rotation

How To Create The Key Rotation Tool


In this section, <OLD_IS_HOME> is the directory where the current Identity Server resides, and <NEW_IS_HOME> is the directory where the copy of the current Identity Server resides. <KEY_ROTATION_REPO> refers to the location here and the <KEY_ROTATION_TOOL> refers to the location of the external tool.

  1. Clone the repository, identity-tools.

  2. Build it using maven by running the command mvn clean install.

  3. Go to the <KEY_ROTATION_REPO>/target folder and copy the keyrotation-tool-<version>-SNAPSHOT.jar file and the <KEY_ROTATION_REPO>/target/lib folder to <KEY_ROTATION_TOOL>. Get the properties.yaml file, file, and the triggers folder from <KEY_ROTATION_REPO>/src/main/resources and copy them to the same <KEY_ROTATION_TOOL> location.

Performing blue-green key rotation

  1. Block all privileged user flows and allow only end-user flows.


    For the privileged user flows, block all admin services from the load balancer and the management console as well. For end user flows, the above tables will be synced to the <NEW_IS_HOME>, so only these end user data flows should be allowed to generate in <OLD_IS_HOME>.

  2. Execute the old<identity-db-type>.sql script in the <OLD_IS_HOME> identity database to create temp tables and triggers. The triggers can be found inside the <KEY_ROTATION_TOOL>/triggers folder.

  3. Create a copy of the <OLD_IS_HOME>(This copied directory will be referred to as the NEW_IS_HOME) and dump <OLD_IS_HOME> identity and registry databases and create the new databases.

  4. Drop the temp tables and triggers in the <NEW_IS_HOME> identity database using the new<identity-db-type>.sql script. The triggers can be found inside the <KEY_ROTATION_TOOL>/triggers folder.

  5. Open the properties.yaml file in <KEY_ROTATION_TOOL> and edit the configurations accordingly.

    • oldSecretKey - The symmetric encryption key used in the <OLD_IS_HOME>.


      If the key is encrypted using cipher tool, decrypt it back as shown here.

    • newSecretKey - The new symmetric encryption key.


      Generate using a tool like openssl using the command, openssl rand -hex 16.

    • newISHome - The absolute path of the <NEW_IS_HOME>.

    • oldIdnDBUrl - <OLD_IS_HOME> identity database URL.
    • oldIdnUsername - <OLD_IS_HOME> identity database username.
    • oldIdnPassword - <OLD_IS_HOME> identity database password (Encoded in base64).
    • newIdnDBUrl - <NEW_IS_HOME> identity database URL.
    • newIdnUsername - <NEW_IS_HOME> identity database username.
    • newIdnPassword - <NEW_IS_HOME> identity database password (Encoded in base64).
    • newRegDBUrl - <NEW_IS_HOME> registry database URL.
    • newRegUsername - <NEW_IS_HOME> registry database username.
    • newRegPassword - <NEW_IS_HOME> registry database password (Encoded in base64).
    • enableDBMigrator - Enable/disable re-encryption for the identity and registry databases.


      Keep this always true to avoid unnecessary issues.

    • enableConfigMigrator - Enable/disable re-encryption for the configuration files.


      Keep this always true to avoid unnecessary issues.

    • enableSyncMigrator - Enable/disable syncing mechanism.


      You only need to set this to true, if you have opted in for blue-green key rotation with zero downtime for the end user flows.

    • chunkSize - Size of the record chunks being retrieved from the database tables for syncing.

    Sample configuration written for the properties.yaml file
    oldSecretKey: AFA27B44D43B02A9FEA41D13CEDC2E40
    newSecretKey: 1fc0bc7a3805b42afa5f5af07a595f56
    newISHome: /home/IS/wso2is-5.12.0
    oldIdnDBUrl: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/regdb?useSSL=false
    oldIdnUsername: root
    oldIdnPassword: cm9vdA==
    newIdnDBUrl: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/regdb1?useSSL=false
    newIdnUsername: root
    newIdnPassword: cm9vdA==
    newRegDBUrl: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/regdb1?useSSL=false
    newRegUsername: root
    newRegPassword: cm9vdA==
    enableDBMigrator: true
    enableConfigMigrator: true
    enableSyncMigrator: true
    chunkSize: 2
    Sample configurations written for DB type URL

    H2 DB

    Oracle DB

  6. Run the tool using the ./ keyrotation-tool-<version>-SNAPSHOT.jar command from <KEY_ROTATION_TOOL>.

  7. Edit the <NEW_IS_HOME> deployment.toml file having the new configured databases and the new key.

  8. Start <NEW_IS_HOME> once the re-encryption for the existing DB and config file is done.

  9. When no new entries are being synced in the logs, route traffic to <NEW_IS_HOME> and enable all load balancer API endpoints(privileged and end-user flows).


Do not stop the tool at once, let it sync any remaining data in the temp tables after routing the traffic.

Verifying the key rotation

  • Check the log files to verify if re-encryption happened successfully for the 7 identity and registry database tables. Check the logs given below for the successful/failed re-encryption counts of OAuth2 access and refresh tokens.

    DB log sample
    Successfully updated OAuth2 access and refresh tokens data records in IDN_OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN: 897
    Failed OAuth2 access and refresh tokens data records in IDN_OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN: 0


    If the key rotation task is successful, the failed logs count should be 0 for all the tables.

  • Check the log files to verify if re-encryption happened successfully for the 3 configuration files. Check the logs given below for the successful/failed re-encryption counts of event publisher configuration files.

    Config file log sample
    Updated event publisher configuration files: 8
    Failed event publisher configuration files: 0


    If the key rotation task is successful, the failed logs count should be 0 for all the configuration files.

  • Check the log files to verify if the transformation of the synced data happened successfully for the 4 tables. Check the logs given below for the successful/failed transformation counts of IDN_IDENTITY_USER_DATA table.

    Synced log sample
    Successfully transformed totp data records in IDN_IDENTITY_USER_DATA_TEMP: 2
    Transformation failed totp data records in IDN_IDENTITY_USER_DATA_TEMP: 0


    If the synced task is successful, the failed logs count should be 0 for all the synced tables.

  • Check for any errors in the log files and carefully analyze the logs if the error can be ignored and other steps can be proceeded with. Otherwise, check what has caused the error.

Recovering from any failure

If the key rotation task stops midway, follow the blue green key rotation user guide steps again.

If there are errors logged in the log files, carefully go through the errors and find what has caused the error.