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Provisioning Patterns

WSO2 Identity Server uses provisioning patterns to build the username of the user account when provisioning users to Google and Salesforce.

Take the example of two users having the same username being onboarded to two different user stores in WSO2 Identity Server. During provisioning, the outbound connector may not allow two users to have the same username. Provisioning patterns overcome this limitation by using the following four attributes to create the user ID.

  • Username - UN

  • User Domain -UD

  • Tenant Domain -TD

  • Identity Provider -IDP

You have the option to configure the provisioning pattern and the provisioning separator: the character that separates the different attributes of the provisioning pattern.


If for an outbound connector

  • Provisioning pattern = {UD, UN, TD, IDP}

  • Provisioning separator = - (hyphen)

a user created with the username [email protected], in the primary userstore of the super tenant, the user will be provisioned to an identity provider named salesforce, with the username,