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Change to MySQL

By default, WSO2 Identity Server uses the embedded H2 database as the database for storing user management and registry data. Given below are the steps you need to follow in order to use MySQL for this purpose.

Datasource configurations

A datasource is used to establish the connection to a database. By default, WSO2_IDENTITY_DB and WSO2_SHARED_DB datasources are used to connect to the default H2 database.

  • WSO2_SHARED_DB - The datasource which stores registry and user management data.
  • WSO2_IDENTITY_DB - The datasource specific to the identity server which stores identity related data.

After setting up the MySQL database. You can point the WSO2_IDENTITY_DB or WSO2_SHARED_DB or both to that MySQL database by following the instructions given below.

Change the default datasource

Minimum configurations for changing default datasource to MySQL

You can configure the datasource by editing the default configurations in <IS-HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml.

Following are the basic configurations and their descriptions.

Element Description
username and password The name and password of the database user
type The type of the database
hostname The hostname of the host where the database is hosted
port The port of the database
name The name of the database

A sample configuration is given below.


    1. Configure thedeployment.toml file.

      type = "mysql"
      hostname = "localhost"
      name = "regdb"
      username = "regadmin"
      password = "regadmin"
      port = "3306"
    2. Execute database scripts.

      Navigate to <IS-HOME>/dbscripts. Execute the scripts in the following files, against the database created.

      • <IS-HOME>/dbscripts/identity/mysql.sql
      • <IS-HOME>/dbscripts/consent/mysql.sql

    1. Configure the deployment.toml file.

      type = "mysql"
      hostname = "localhost"
      name = "regdb"
      username = "regadmin"
      password = "regadmin"
      port = "3306"
    2. Execute database scripts.

      Execute the scripts in the <IS-HOME>/dbscripts/mysql.sql file against the database created.


    Instead of defining hostname, port, and name separately, you can define the url of the database in the following format.

    type = "mysql"
    url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/regdb"
    username = "regadmin"
    password = "regadmin"


    As MySQL DB is inherently case-insensitive, it is recommended to deactivate the case-insensitive functionality of WSO2 Identity Server when integrating with MySQL DB. Disabling this feature in WSO2 Identity Server eliminates unnecessary processing, thereby potentially enhancing overall system performance.

    To disable case-insensitivity for the primary user store, open the deployment.toml file found in the <IS-HOME>/repository/conf/ directory and add the following configurations to the primary user store.

    CaseInsensitiveUsername = false
    UseCaseSensitiveUsernameForCacheKeys = false

    For secondary user stores, add the following configurations to the <userstore>.xml file found in the <IS_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/userstores directory.

    <Property name="CaseInsensitiveUsername">false</Property>
    <Property name="UseCaseSensitiveUsernameForCacheKeys">false</Property>
  3. Download the MySQL JDBC driver for the version you are using and copy it to the <IS_HOME>/repository/components/lib folder

Advanced database configurations

Apart from the basic configurations specified above, WSO2 Identity Server supports some advanced database configurations as well.

  • WSO2_IDENTITY_DB related configurations that should be added to the deployment.toml file.

    maxActive = "80"
    maxWait = "360000"
    minIdle ="5"
    testOnBorrow = true
    validationQuery = "SELECT 1 FROM sysibm.sysdummy1"
  • WSO2_SHARED_DB deployment.toml related configurations that should be added to the deployment.toml file.

    maxActive = "80"
    maxWait = "360000"
    minIdle ="5"
    testOnBorrow = true
    validationQuery = "SELECT 1 FROM sysibm.sysdummy1"

The elements in the above configuration are described below:

maxActive This is the maximum number of active connections that can be allocated at the same time from this pool. Enter any negative value to denote an unlimited number of active connections.
maxWait This is the maximum number of milliseconds that the pool will wait (when there are no available connections) for a connection to be returned before throwing an exception. You can enter zero or a negative value to wait indefinitely.
minIdle The minimum number of active connections that can remain idle in the pool without extra ones being created. Enter zero to create none.


This indicates whether objects will be validated before being borrowed from the pool. If the object fails to be validated, it will be dropped from the pool and another attempt will be made to borrow another.


Indicates whether to commit database changes automatically or not
validationInterval This is the indication to avoid excess validation and only run validation after the specified frequency (time in milliseconds). If a connection is due for validation, but has been validated previously within this interval, it will not be validated again.

This property is not applicable to the carbon database in WSO2 Identity Server because auto committing is usually handled at the code level, i.e., the default auto commit configuration specified for the RDBMS driver will be effective instead of this property element. Typically, auto committing is enabled for RDBMS drivers by default.

When auto committing is enabled, each SQL statement will be committed to the database as an individual transaction, as opposed to committing multiple statements as a single transaction.


For more information on other parameters that can be defined in the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file, see Tomcat JDBC Connection Pool.

Support for case-sensitive usernames

Usernames in WSO2 Identity Server are case-insensitive by default. If you wish to enable case-sensitive usernames, configure the following properties.

To enable the case-sensitivity for the primary user store, open the deployment.toml file found in the <IS-HOME>/repository/conf/ directory and add the following configurations to the primary user store.

CaseInsensitiveUsername = false
UseCaseSensitiveUsernameForCacheKeys = false

For secondary user stores, add the following configurations to the <userstore>.xml file found in the <IS_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/userstores directory.

<Property name="CaseInsensitiveUsername">false</Property>
<Property name="UseCaseSensitiveUsernameForCacheKeys">false</Property>
The database indexes are created using LOWER() functions to support case-insensitive usernames for the related tables. Therefore, remove the LOWER() functions from the related index creation queries in the scripts at <IS_HOME>/dbscripts/.



Configure the connection pool behavior on return

By default, when a database connection is returned to the pool, the product rolls back the pending transactions if defaultAutoCommit=true.

However, if required, you can disable the latter mentioned default behavior by disabling the JDBC-Pool JDBC interceptor, ConnectionRollbackOnReturnInterceptor, and setting the connection pool behavior on return via the datasource configurations.

Configure the connection pool to commit pending transactions on connection return

  1. Navigate to either one of the following locations based on your OS.

  2. Add the following JVM option:

    -Dndatasource.disable.rollbackOnReturn=true \
  3. Navigate to the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file.

  4. Disable the defaultAutoCommit property by defining it as false.

  5. Add the commitOnReturn property and set it to true.

    • WSO2_IDENTITY_DB related configurations that should be added to the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file.

    • WSO2_SHARED_DB related configurations that should be added to the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file.


Configure the connection pool to rollback pending transactions on connection return

  1. Navigate to the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file.

  2. Disable the defaultAutoCommit property by defining it as false.

  3. Set the rollbackOnReturn property to the datasources as true.

    • WSO2_IDENTITY_DB related configurations that should be added to the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file.

    • WSO2_SHARED_DB related configurations that should be added to the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file.


The elements in the above configuration are described below.

Element Description
commitOnReturn If defaultAutoCommit=false, then you can set commitOnReturn=true, so that the pool can complete the transaction by calling the commit on the connection as it is returned to the pool. However, if the rollbackOnReturn=true then this attribute is ignored. The default value is false.
rollbackOnReturn If defaultAutoCommit=false, then you can set rollbackOnReturn=true so that the pool can terminate the transaction by calling rollback on the connection as it is returned to the pool. The default value is false.