This section provides information on REST APIs in WSO2 Identity Server including the sample requests and responses.
- Authenticating and Authorizing
- Account Recovery
- Application Management
- Approvals
- Associations
- Authentication Data
- Authentication
- Authorized Apps
- Challenge Question
- Claim Management
- Configuration Management
- Retrieving Tenant Resources Based on Search Parameters
- Consent Management
- Email Templates
- Entitlement
- Fido
- Identity Governance
- Identity Providers
- Keystore Management
- OAuth2 Scope Management
- OpenID Connect Scope Management
- OIDC Dynamic Client Registration
- Permission Management
- Personal Information Export
- SCIM 1.1
- SCIM 2.0
- Script Libraries
- Secondary User Store
- Self Sign-Up
- Server Configuration
- Session Management
- User Discoverable Application Management