Error Catalog¶
This document describes all the REST API error codes that are used in WSO2 Identity Server.
Common Errors¶
Error Code | HTTP Status Code | Error Message | Possible Cause |
UE-10000 | 400 | Invalid Request | Provided request body content is not in the expected format. |
SE-50000 | 500 | Unexpected processing error | Server encountered an error while serving the request. |
Challenge Question Management¶
Error Code | HTTP Status Code | Error Message | Possible Cause |
CQM-10002 | 500 | Unable to retrieve challenges for the user | Server encountered an error while retrieving challenges for the user. |
CQM-10003 | 500 | Unable to retrieve all user challenge answers | Server encountered an error while retrieving challenge answers of the user. |
CQM-10004 | 500 | Unable to retrieve the user challenge answer of a specific challenge | Server encountered an error while retrieving the challenge answer of a specific challenge. |
CQM-10005 | 500 | Unable to set user challenge answers. | Server encountered an error while setting answers to the user challenges. |
CQM-20053 | 400 | Unable to set user challenge answers. | Validation error. Cannot answer two questions from the same question set claim uri. |
CQM-10006 | 500 | Unable to update user challenge answer. | Server encountered an error while updating the answers to the user challenges. |
CQM-10007 | 500 | Unable to remove user challenge answers. | Server encountered an error while removing answers of the user challenges. |
CQM-10008 | 500 | Unable to update user challenge answer. | Server encountered an error while updating the answer of a specific user challenge. |
CQM-10009 | 500 | Unable to update user challenge answer. | Server encountered an error while updating the answer of the user challenge. |
CQM-10010 | 500 | Unable to remove user challenge answer. | Server encountered an error while removing answer of the user challenge. |
CQM-10011 | 400 | Invalid Request. | Challenge question is missing in the user challenge answer request. |
CQM-10012 | 409 | Challenge questions are already answered. | User has already answered some challenges. Hence, the system is unable to add new answers. |
CQM-10013 | 404 | Challenge answers not set | User has not answered any challenges. Hence, the system is unable to process. |
CQM-10014 | 409 | Challenge answer already set | User has already answered this challenge. Hence, the system is unable to add a new challenge answer. |
CQM-10015 | 404 | Challenge answer not set | User has not answered this challenge. Hence, the system is unable to process. |
CQM-20054 | 400 | Unable to set user challenge answer(s). | Invalid Locale value provided : |
CQM-20056 | 400 | Unable to add challenge set. | ChallengeSetId contains non alpha-numeric characters. |
CQM-18017 | 400 | Unable to set user challenge answers. | No challenge question found. Error persisting user challenge answers for user. Challenge question answered is not registered with |
CQM-20057 | 500 | Error when deleting challenge question sets. | |
CQM-50002 | 500 | Unable to get challenge | Server encountered an error while retrieving a specific challenge. |
CQM-50003 | 500 | Unable to get the challenges | Server encountered an error while retrieving all challenges. |
CQM-50004 | 500 | Unable to add challenge set | Server encountered an error while setting answers to the user challenges. |
CQM-50005 | 500 | Unable to update challenge set | Server encountered an error while updating answers to the user challenges. |
CQM-50006 | 500 | Unable to add a new challenge question | Server encountered an error while adding a new question to the set. |
CQM-50007 | 500 | Unable to remove challenges | Server encountered an error while removing the challenge set. |
CQM-50008 | 500 | Unable to remove challenge question | Server encountered an error while removing a specific challenge question. |
CQM-50009 | 400 | Patch operation not supported | Operation is not supported on the challenge set patch API. |
CQM-50010 | 404 | Challenge set does not exist | Specified challenge set does not exist in the system, hence unable to proceed. |
CQM-20055 | 400 | Unable to add challenge set | Attributes of hallenge question to be set cannot be empty. |
Human Task Approval Errors¶
Error Code | HTTP Status Code | Error Message | Possible Cause |
HTA-10001 | 403 | Access denied. | You are not authorized to perform this task. |
HTA-10002 | 400 | Invalid input provided. | The provided Task ID is not in the correct format. |
HTA-10003 | 404 | Task does not exist. | |
HTA-10004 | 400 | Invalid input data provided. | |
HTA-10005 | 400 | Unacceptable input provided. | Only [CLAIM, RELEASE, APPROVED, REJECTED] are acceptable. |
HTA-10006 | 400 | Unable to change the approval status. | Invalid state change is requested for the given task. |
HTA-10007 | 400 | Unable to update the approval status. | Invalid state change is requested for the given task. |
HTA-15002 | 500 | Unable to retrieve approvals for the user. | Server encountered an error while retrieving approvals for user. |
HTA-15003 | 500 | Unable to retrieve the user approval. | Server encountered an error while retrieving information on the approval task. |
HTA-15004 | 500 | Unable to update the approval status. | Server encountered an error while updating the approval task status. |
OAuth Authorized Apps Errors¶
Error Code | HTTP Status Code | Error Message | Possible Cause |
OAA-10001 | 404 | Invalid application ID. | An application with provided ID cannot be found for the user. |
OAA-10002 | 500 | Error retrieving authorized application. | A system error occurred while retrieving the provided authorized application for the user. |
OAA-10003 | 500 | Error retrieving authorized applications. | A system error occurred while retrieving authorized applications for the provided user. |
OAA-10004 | 500 | Error revoking authorized application. | A system error occurred while revoking the provided authorized application for the user. |
OAA-10005 | 500 | Error revoking authorized application. | A system error occurred while revoking authorized applications for the provided user. |
User Associations Errors¶
Error Code | HTTP Status Code | Error Message | Possible Cause |
UAA-8500 | 400 | Error while adding associations of user | Valid username and password must be provided. |
UAA-8501 | 500 | Error while adding associations of user. | Error occurred while associating the user account. |
UAA-8503 | 500 | Error while deleting user association | Database error occurred while deleting user account association. |
UAA-8504 | 500 | Error while adding associations of user. | Database error occurred while creating user account association. |
UAA-8505 | 500 | Error while adding associations of user | Database error occurred while updating user account association. |
UAA-8506 | 500 | Error while deleting user association. | Database error occurred while validating user association. |
UAA-8507 | 500 | Error while deleting user association. | Database error occurred while deleting user account associations. |
UAA-8508 | 500 | Error while etting/creating/deleting associations of user. | Error occurred while getting the RealmService. |
UAA-8509 | 500 | Error while etting/creating/deleting associations of user. | Error occurred while accessing the RealmService. |
UAA-8510 | 500 | Error while etting/creating/deleting associations of user. | Error occurred while getting the RealmService. |
UAA-8511 | 500 | Error while getting associations of user. | Error occurred while getting tenant name from tenant id. |
UAA-8512 | 500 | Error while getting/creating/deleting associations of user | Error occurred while getting tenant id from tenant name. |
UAA-8512 | 400 | Error while getting/creating/deleting associations of user | Error occurred while getting tenant id from tenant name. |
UAA-8513 | 500 | Error while creating associations of user | Error occurred while authenticating user. |
UAA-8514 | 500 | Error while deleting user association. | Error occurred while deleting user account association for user {{user}}. |
UAA-8517 | 500 | Error while creating associations of user. | Error occurred while executing pre/post user authenticators. |
UAA-8524 | 400 | Error while getting/creating/deleting associations of user. | Invalid or inactivated tenant domain |
UAA-8525 | 409 | Error while adding associations of user | Provided user account is already associated to the logged in user |
UAA-8526 | 400 | Error while adding associations of user. | The user name or password you entered is incorrect. |
UAA-8527 | 500 | Error while deleting user association. | Error occurred while deleting the user account association. |
UAA-8528 | 500 | Error while deleting user association. | Error occurred while deleting the user account associations for tenant id {{tenant Id}}. |
UAA-8533 | 400 | Error while adding associations of user. | User can not associate logged in user account to itself. |
UAA-8535 | 500 | Error while deleting user association. | Database error occurred while deleting user association from {{user store domain}} domain in the tenant {{tenant}}. |
UAA-8536 | 500 | Error while adding associations of user. | Error occurred while updating user domain of account associations with domain {{user store domain}} |
UAA-8537 | 500 | Error while deleting user association. | Error occurred while deleting user account associations with domain {{user store domain}} . |
UAA-8538 | 500 | Error while getting associations of user | Database error occurred while retrieving account associations of user {{user}} |
UAA-8539 | 500 | Error while getting/creating/deleting associations of user. | Error while retrieving tenant ID of user {{user}}. |
Session Management Errors¶
Error Code | HTTP Status Code | Error Message | Possible Cause |
USM-15001 | 500 | Unable to retrieve session information. | Server encountered an error while retrieving session information. |
USM-15002 | 500 | Unable to retrieve sessions. | Server encountered an error while retrieving session list of user, {userid/username}. |
USM-10003 | 501 | Pagination not supported. | Pagination capabilities are not supported in this version of the API. |
USM-10004 | 501 | Filtering not supported. | Filtering capability is not supported in this version of the API. |
USM-10005 | 501 | Sorting not supported. | Sorting capability is not supported in this version of the API. |
USM-15006 | 500 | Unable to validate user. | Server encountered an error while authorizing user, {userid/username}. |
USM-10007 | 403 | Action forbidden. | User is not authorized to terminate this session. |
USM-10008 | 400 | Invalid user. | User is not provided to perform session management tasks. |
USM-10009 | 400 | Invalid session. | Session ID is not provided to perform session termination. |
USM-10010 | 403 | Action Forbidden. | User is not authorized to terminate the session/s. |
Secondary User Store Errors¶
Error Code | HTTP Status Code | Error Message | Possible Cause |
SUS-50001 | 500 | Unable to add the secondary user store. | Server Encountered an error while adding secondary user store. |
SUS-50002 | 500 | Unable to delete the secondary user store. | Server Encountered an error while deleting the secondary user store. |
SUS-50003 | 500 | Unable to get the configured user stores. | Server Encountered an error while retrieving secondary user stores. |
SUS-50004 | 500 | Unable to update the secondary user store configurations. | Server Encountered an error while updating the secondary user store configurations. |
SUS-50005 | 501 | Pagination not supported. | Pagination capabilities are not supported in this version of the API. |
SUS-50006 | 501 | Filtering not supported. | Filtering capability is not supported in this version of the API. |
SUS-50007 | 501 | Sorting not supported. | Sorting capability is not supported in this version of the API. |
SUS-50008 | 404 | Resource not found. | Unable to find any user store's id with the provided identifier %s. |
SUS-50009 | 500 | Unable to check RDBMS connection Health. | Server Encountered an error while checking the data source connection. |
SUS-50010 | 500 | Unable to retrieve the user store implementations. | Server Encountered an error while retrieving the user store types. |
SUS-50011 | 400 | Invalid Input. | Provided Input is not valid. |
SUS-50012 | 404 | Resource not found. | Unable to find a required resource for this request. |
SUS-50013 | 500 | Unable to get the user store by its domain id. | Server Encountered an error while retrieving the user store by its domain id. |
Email Template Management Errors¶
Error Code | HTTP Status Code | Error Message | Possible Cause |
ETM-55002 | 500 | Unable to retrieve email template types. | Server encountered an error while retrieving email template types. |
ETM-55003 | 500 | Unable to retrieve the email template type. | Server encountered an error while retrieving the email template type identified by the given template-type-id. |
ETM-55004 | 500 | Unable to retrieve the email template. | Server encountered an error while retrieving the email template identified by the given template-type-id and the template-id |
ETM-55005 | 500 | Unable to add the email template type. | Server encountered an error while adding the email template type. |
ETM-55006 | 500 | Unable to add the email template. | Server encountered an error while adding the email template to the system. |
ETM-55007 | 500 | Unable to delete the email template type. | Server encountered an error while deleting the email template type. |
ETM-55008 | 500 | Unable to delete the email template. | Server encountered an error while deleting the email template. |
ETM-55009 | 500 | Unable to update the email template type. | Server encountered an error while updating the email template type. |
ETM-55010 | 500 | Unable to update the email template. | Server encountered an error while updating the email template. |
ETM-55011 | 501 | Pagination is not yet supported. | Please remove 'limit' and 'offset' parameters from the request and try again. |
ETM-55012 | 501 | Sorting is not yet supported. | Please remove 'sortOrder' and 'sortBy' parameters from the request and try again. |
ETM-50001 | 400 | Provided email template-type-id is invalid. | Server encountered an error while processing the given template-type-id. |
ETM-50002 | 404 | Email Template Type does not exists. | Specified email template type does not exist in the system. |
ETM-50003 | 404 | Email Template does not exists. | Specified email template does not exist in the system. |
ETM-50004 | 409 | Email Template already exists in the system. | An email template for the provided template id already exists in the system. |
ETM-50005 | 409 | Email Template Type already exists in the system. | An email template type for the provided template display name already exists in the system. |
Identity Governance Errors¶
Error Code | HTTP Status Code | Error Message | Possible Cause |
IDG-50001 | 500 | Unable to get the identity governance categories. | Server Encountered an error while retrieving identity governance categories. |
IDG-50002 | 500 | Unable to get the identity governance category. | Server Encountered an error while retrieving identity governance category. |
IDG-50003 | 500 | Unable to get the identity governance connector. | Server Encountered an error while retrieving identity governance connector. |
IDG-50004 | 500 | Unable to update the identity governance connector property. | Server Encountered an error while updating identity governance connector property. |
IDG-50005 | 501 | Pagination not supported. | Pagination capabilities are not supported in this version of the API. |
IDG-50006 | 501 | Filtering not supported. | Filtering capability is not supported in this version of the API. |
IDG-50007 | 501 | Sorting not supported. | Sorting capability is not supported in this version of the API. |
IDG-50008 | 400 | Resource not found. | Unable to find any category with the provided identifier {{category identifier}}. |
IDG-50009 | 400 | Resource not found. | Unable to find any connector with the provided identifier {{connector identifier}}. |
Keystore Management Errors¶
Error Code | HTTP Status Code | Error Message | Possible Cause |
KSS-60001 | 400 | Provided certificate already exists with the alias: {{alias}}. | Server encountered an error while importing the certificate with alias: {{alias}} to the keystore. |
KSS-60002 | 400 | Provided alias {{alias}} is already available in the keystore. | Server encountered an error while importing the certificate with alias: {{alias}} to the keystore. |
KSS-60003 | 400 | Unsupported filter: {{filter}}. | Server encountered an error while retrieving the list of certificates from keystore. |
KSS-60004 | 400 | Unsupported filter operation {{filter operation}}. | Server encountered an error while retrieving the list of certificates from keystore. |
KSS-60010 | 400 | There exists no certificate with alias: {{alias}}. | Couldn't find a certificate with alias: {{alias}} from the keystore. |
KSS-65001 | 500 | Unable to retrieve the keystore for tenant: {{tenant domain}}. | Server error occured while retrieving the keystore. |
KSS-65002 | 500 | Unable to retrieve keystore information for keystore: {{keystore name}} | Server error occured while retrieving the keystore information. |
KSS-65003 | 500 | Unable to retrieve client truststore for tenant: {{tenent domain}} | Server error occured while retrieving the client truststore. |
KSS-65004 | 500 | Unable to retrieve the client truststore aliases for tenant: {{tenant domain}}. | Server error occured while retrieving the aliases from client truststore. |
KSS-65005 | 500 | Unable to retrive the client truststore certificate for alias: {{alias}}. | Server error occured while retriving the certificate from client truststore. |
KSS-65006 | 500 | Unable to add certificate with alias: {{alias}} | Server error occured while adding a certificate. |
KSS-65007 | 500 | Unable to delete certificate with alias: {{alias}}. | Server error occured while removing a certificate. |
KSS-65008 | 500 | Error occurred while validating the certificate. | Server error occured while adding a certificate. |
KSS-65010 | 500 | Unable to create file: {{filename}}. | Server error occured while creating a file to return the certificate. |
KSS-65011 | 500 | Unable to encode the certificate with alias: {{alias}}. | Server error occured while encoding the certificate. |
Identity Provider Errors¶
Error Code | HTTP Status Code | Error Message | Possible Cause |
IDP-65001 | 500 | Unexpected Error. | Server encountered an unexpected error. |
IDP-65002 | 500 | Error while adding the Identity Provider. | Server encountered an error while adding the Identity Provider, {identity-provider-name}. |
IDP-60001 | 409 | Identity Provider exists. | Identity Provider with the name: {identity-provider-name} already exists.. |
IDP-6500 | 500 | Error while getting the Identity Provider. | Server encountered an error while getting the Identity Provider: {identity-provider-id} |
IDP-60002 | 404 | Identity Provider does not exist. | Identity Provider with resource ID: {identity-provider-id} does not exist |
IDP-65004 | 500 | Error while deleting Identity Provider. | Server encountered an error while deleting Identity Provider: {identity-provider-id}. |
IDP-65005 | 500 | Error while updating Identity Provider. | Server encountered an error while updating Identity Provider: {identity-provider-id} |
IDP-60003 | 400 | Identity Provider add request validation failed. | Identity Provider add request validation failed. {identity-provider-name} |
IDP-60004 | 400 | Identity Provider get request validation failed. | Identity Provider get request validation failed. {identity-provider-id} |
IDP-60005 | 400 | Identity Provider delete request validation failed. | Identity Provider delete request validation failed. {identity-provider-id} |
IDP-60007 | 400 | Search request validation failed. | Search request validation failed. Invalid search filter {search-filter} |
IDP-60021 | 500 | Unable to list existing identity providers. | Server encountered an error while listing the identity providers |
IDP-65003 | 500 | Unable to retrieve identity provider. | Server encountered an error while retrieving the identity provider for identifier {identity-provider-id} |
IDP-65021 | 500 | Unable to retrieve meta federated authenticator list. | Server encountered an error while retrieving the meta federated authenticators |
IDP-65022 | 500 | Unable to retrieve meta outbound connector list. | Server encountered an error while retrieving the meta outbound connector list |
IDP-65023 | 500 | Unable to retrieve meta federated authenticator. | Server encountered an error while retrieving the meta federated authenticator with identifier {federated-authenticator-identifier}." |
IDP-65024 | 500 | Unable to retrieve meta outbound connector. | Server encountered an error while retrieving the meta outbound connector with identifier {outbound-connector-identifier} |
IDP-65025 | 500 | Unable to retrieve identity provider's federated authenticator list. | Server encountered an error while retrieving the federated authenticators of identity provider {identity-provider-id} |
IDP-65026 | 500 | Unable to retrieve identity provider's outbound connector list. | Server encountered an error while retrieving the outbound connectors of identity provider {identity-provider-id} |
IDP-65027 | 500 | Unable to retrieve identity provider's federated authenticator. | Server encountered an error while retrieving the federated authenticator with identifier {federated-authenticator-id} |
IDP-65028 | 500 | Unable to retrieve identity provider's outbound connector. | Server encountered an error while retrieving the outbound connector with identifier {outbound-connector-id} |
IDP-65029 | 500 | Unable to retrieve identity provider's provisioning config. | Server encountered an error while retrieving the provisioning config of identity provider {identity-provider-id} |
IDP-65030 | 500 | Unable to retrieve identity provider claim config. | Server encountered an error while retrieving the identity provider claim config for identifier {identity-provider-id} |
IDP-65031 | 500 | Unable to retrieve identity provider role config. | Server encountered an error while retrieving the identity provider role config for identifier {identity-provider-id} |
IDP-65032 | 500 | Unable to retrieve identity provider JIT config. | Server encountered an error while retrieving the identity provider JIT config for identifier {identity-provider-id} |
IDP-65033 | 500 | Unable to update identity provider federated authenticator. | Server encountered an error while updating the identity provider federated authenticator for identifier {federated-authenticator-id} |
IDP-65034 | 500 | Unable to update identity provider outbound connector. | Server encountered an error while updating the identity provider outbound connector for identifier {identity-provider-id} |
IDP-65035 | 500 | Unable to update identity provider claims. | Server encountered an error while updating the identity provider claim config for identifier {identity-provider-id} |
IDP-65036 | 500 | Unable to update identity provider roles. | Server encountered an error while updating the identity provider role config for identifier {identity-provider-id} |
IDP-65037 | 500 | Unable to update identity provider Just-In-Time provisioning. | Server encountered an error while updating the identity provider Just-In-Time provisioning config for identifier {identity-provider-id}. |
IDP-60022 | 404 | Resource not found. | Unable to find federated authenticator with identifier {federated-authenticator-id}. |
IDP-60023 | 404 | Resource not found. | Unable to find outbound provisioning connector identifier {outbound-connector-id}. |
IDP-65041 | 500 | Attribute filtering not supported. | Attribute filtering capability is not supported in this version of the API. |
IDP-60024 | 400 | Invalid claim uri. | Invalid claim uri {claim-uri} provided in claim config. |
IDP-60025 | 400 | Invalid input. | One of the given inputs is invalid.{Optional Details, if any} |
IDP-60026 | 400 | Invalid SAML metadata. | SAML metadata is invalid/empty. |
IDP-65050 | 500 | Unable to list existing identity provider templates | Error occured while listing identity provider templates. |
IDP-65051 | 500 | Unable to add IDP template. | Error occurred while trying to add the IDP template. |
IDP-65052 | 500 | Unable to delete IDP template. | Error occurred while trying to delete the IDP template. |
IDP-65053 | 500 | Unable to update IDP template. | Error occurred while trying to update the IDP template. |
IDP-65054 | 500 | Unable to retrieve IDP template. | Error occurred while trying to retrieve the IDP template. |
TMM_00001 | 500 | Unable to list existing identity provider templates | Error occurred while listing identity provider templates. |
TMM_00006 | 500 | Unable to update identity provider template | Error occurred while updating identity provider template with id {template-id}. |
TMM_00007 | 400 | Unable to add/update IDP template. | Template name required. |
TMM_00008 | 400 | Unable to add/update IDP template. | Template script required. |
TMM_00009 | 401 | Unauthorized access. | No authenticated user found to perform action. |
TMM_00011 | 401 | Unauthorized access. | User is not authorized to perform the action. |
TMM_00014 | 409 | Unable to add/update IdP template. | Template with name {template-name} already exists. |
TMM_00017 | 500 | Unable to list existing identity provider templates | Error occurred while listing identity provider templates. |
TMM_00018 | 500 | Unable to delete IDP template. | Error occurred while trying to delete the IDP template. |
TMM_00019 | 500 | Unable to retrieve IDP template. | Error occurred while trying to retrieve the IDP template. |
TMM_00021 | 404 | Template not found | Template with given id {template-id} not found. |
TMM_00022 | 400 | Invalid template Id. | Provided template ID {template-id} is not valid. |
Script Libraries Errors¶
Error Code | HTTP Status Code | Error Message | Possible Cause |
SCL-65001 | 500 | Unexpected Error. | Server encountered an unexpected error. |
SCL-65002 | 500 | Unable to add Script library. | Error while creating the script library: {script-library-name}. |
SCL-65003 | 500 | Unable to add Script library. | An error occurred while processing content stream of script library script: {script-library-name}. |
SCL-65005 | 500 | Unable to update Script library. | Error while getting the script library: {script-library-name}. |
SCL-65006 | 500 | Unable to list existing script libraries. | Error while reading script libraries. |
SCL-65007 | 500 | Unable to update script library. | Failed to update Script library: {script-library-name}. |
SCL-65008 | 500 | Unable to delete script library. | Error while deleting script library: {script-library-name}. |
SCL-60002 | 400 | Unable to add Script library. | Script library script of {script-library-name} contains errors. |
SCL-60006 | 400 | Script library not found. | Script library cannot be found for the provided name: {script-library-name} in the tenantDomain: {tenat -domain}. |
SCL-60007 | 409 | Script library already exist. | Script library already exist for the provided name: {script-library-name} in the tenantDomain: {tenant -domain} |
SCL-60008 | 400 | Invalid script library name. | Script library name should include the .js extension. |
SCL-60009 | 400 | Invalid offset. | Offset should be greater than or equal to 0. |
Claim Management Errors¶
Error Code | HTTP Status Code | Error Message | Possible Cause |
CMT-50001 | 500 | Unable to add claim dialect. | Server encountered an error while adding the claim dialect {{claim dialect}}. |
CMT-50002 | 500 | Unable to add external claim. | Server encountered an error while adding the external claim {{external claim}}. |
CMT-50003 | 500 | Unable to add local claim. | Server encountered an error while adding the local claim {{local claim}}. |
CMT-50004 | 500 | Unable to delete claim dialect. | Server encountered an error while deleting the claim dialect for identifier {{identifier}}. |
CMT-50005 | 500 | Unable to delete external claim. | Server encountered an error while deleting the external claim for identifier {{identifier}} in dialect identifier {{identifier}}. |
CMT-50006 | 500 | Unable to delete local claim. | Server encountered an error while deleting the local claim for identifier {{identifier}}. |
CMT-50007 | 500 | Unable to retrieve claim dialects. | Server encountered an error while retrieving the claim dialects. |
CMT-50008 | 500 | Unable to retrieve claim dialects. | Server encountered an error while retrieving the claim dialects. |
CMT-50009 | 500 | Unable to retrieve external claim. | Server encountered an error while retrieving the external claim for identifier {{identifier}} in dialect identifier {{identifier}}. |
CMT-50010 | 500 | Unable to retrieve external claims. | Server encountered an error while retrieving the external claims for dialect identifier {{identifier}}. |
CMT-50011 | 500 | Unable to retrieve local claim. | Server encountered an error while retrieving the local claim for identifier {{identifier}}. |
CMT-50012 | 500 | Unable to retrieve local claims. | Server encountered an error while retrieving the local claims. |
CMT-50013 | 500 | Unable to update claim dialect. | Server encountered an error while updating the claim dialect for identifier {{identifier}}. |
CMT-50014 | 500 | Unable to update external claim. | Server encountered an error while updating the external claim for identifier {{identifier}} in dialect identifier {{identifier}}. |
CMT-50015 | 500 | Unable to update local claim. | Server encountered an error while updating the local claim for identifier {{identifier}}. |
CMT-50016 | 404 | Resource not found. | Unable to find a resource matching the provided claim dialect identifier {{identifier}}. |
CMT-50017 | 404 | Resource not found. | Unable to find any claims matching the provided claim dialect identifier {{identifier}}. |
CMT-50018 | 404 | Resource not found. | Unable to find a resource matching the provided external claim identifier {{identifier}} in dialect identifier {{identifier}}. |
CMT-50019 | 404 | Resource not found. | Unable to find a resource matching the provided local claim identifier {{identifier}}. |
CMT-50020 | 409 | Unable to update external claim. | Existing external claim uri {{external claim}} in dialect identifier {{identifier}} cannot be changed. |
CMT-50021 | 409 | Unable to update local claim. | Existing local claim uri {{local claim}} cannot be changed. |
CMT-50022 | 501 | Pagination not supported. | Pagination capabilities are not supported in this version of the API. |
CMT-50023 | 501 | Filtering not supported. | Filtering capability is not supported in this version of the API. |
CMT-50024 | 501 | Sorting not supported. | Sorting capability is not supported in this version of the API. |
CMT-50025 | 501 | Attribute filtering not supported. | Attribute filtering capability is not supported in this version of the API. |
CMT-50026 | 400 | Invalid attribute mapping. | Invalid userstore {{userstore}} provided in attribute mapping. |
CMT-50027 | 400 | Invalid dialect identifier. | Used dialect identifier {{identifier}} does not exist. |
CMT-50028 | 400 | Empty claim dialect URI. | Claim dialect URI cannot be empty. |
CMT-50029 | 400 | Empty local claim URI. | |
CMT-50030 | 400 | Empty mapped attributes. | Mapped attributes cannot be empty. |
CMT-50031 | 400 | Unable to remove local claim. | Unable to remove local claim while having associations with external claims. |
CMT-50032 | 400 | Empty external claim URI. | External claim URI cannot be empty. |
CMT-50033 | 400 | Invalid external claim dialect. | The provided claim dialect is the local claim dialect and cannot be used as an external dialect. |
CMT-50034 | 400 | Empty external claim dialect URI. | External dialect URI cannot be empty. |
CMT-50035 | 400 | Empty mapped local claim URI. | Mapped local claim URI cannot be empty. |
CMT-50036 | 400 | Invalid mapped local claim URI. | Mapped local claim URI is invalid. |
CMT-50037 | 400 | Invalid input. | One of the given inputs is invalid. |
Tenant Management Errors¶
Error Code | HTTP Status Code | Error Message | Possible Cause |
TM-60000 | 400 | Unable to add tenant. | Provided email is empty. |
TM-60001 | 400 | Unable to add tenant. | Wrong characters in the email. |
TM-60002 | 400 | Unable to add tenant. | Invalid email address is provided. |
TM-60003 | 400 | Unable to add tenant. | You can not use a registry reserved word as a tenant domain. Please choose a different one. |
TM-60004 | 400 | Unable to add tenant. | Provided domain name is empty. |
TM-60005 | 400 | Unable to add tenant. | You should have an extension to your domain. |
TM-60006 | 400 | Unable to add tenant. | Invalid domain. Domain should not start with '.' |
TM-60007 | 400 | Unable to add tenant. | The tenant domain {tenant-domain} contains one or more illegal characters. The valid characters are lowercase letters, numbers, '.', '-' and '_'. |
TM-60008 | 400 | Unable to add tenant. | User name : {username} exists in the system. Please pick another user name for tenant administrator. |
TM-60009 | 400 | Unable to add tenant. | A tenant with same domain {tenant-domain} already exists. Please use a different domain name. |
TM-60010 | 400 | Invalid Request | Limit should not be negative. |
TM-60011 | 400 | Invalid Request | Offset should not be negative. |
TM-60012 | 400 | Invalid Request | Required parameter owner is not specified. |
TM-60013 | 400 | Invalid Request | Required parameter {required-parameter} is not specified. |
TM-60014 | 400 | Unable to retrieve tenant. | Tenant cannot be found for the provided id: {tenant-unique-id}. |
TM-60015 | 400 | Unable to retrieve tenant. | Tenant can not be found for the provided domain: {tenant-domain}. |
TM-60016 | 400 | Error while deleting the tenant metadata. | Tenant deletion property {Tenant.TenantDelete} is not enabled in carbon.xml file. |
TM-65001 | 500 | Unable to list existing tenants. | Server encountered an error while listing the tenants. |
TM-65002 | 500 | Unable to add tenant. | Server encountered an error while adding the tenant. |
TM-65003 | 500 | Unable to retrieve tenant. | Server encountered an error while retrieving the tenant for identifier {tenant-unique-id}. |
TM-65004 | 500 | Error while updating the tenant. | Server encountered an error while the tenant life cycle status activated: {status-of-lifecycle} . |
TM-65005 | 500 | Error building page links | Error occurred during building page links. |
TM-65006 | 501 | Filtering not supported. | Filtering capability is not supported in this version of the API. |
TM-65007 | 500 | Unable to add tenant. | Error occurred in validating the code. |
TM-65008 | 500 | Unable to check availability of domain. | Server encountered an error while checking for tenant domain |
TM-65009 | 500 | Error while deleting the tenant metadata. | Server encountered an error while deleting the tenant metadata identified by {tenant-unique-id}. |