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Enabling Geolocation Based Statistics

Follow the steps below to configure WSO2 IS Analytics Server to display the regions of the users authenticated though WSO2 Identity Server.

  1. Create a Geo Location dataset by following the guide given here.

  2. Create the database by executing one of the scripts in the Geolocation Data/dbscripts directory. In this example, mysql.sql is executed.

    1. Sign in to the mysql client by executing the command.

      mysql -u <MYSQL_USERNAME> -p

      Provide the mysql password when prompted.

    2. Create the database by executing the following command.

    3. Run the Geolocation Data/dbscripts/mysql.sql script.

      source <PATH_OF_mysql.sql_SCRIPT>


    You can also run the scripts using MySQL Workbench. For detailed instructions, see MySQL Documentation - The Workbench Scripting Shell .

  3. Populate the data to the BLOCKS and LOCATION tables from the following files.

    • Geolocation Data/data/BLOCKS.csv
    • Geolocation Data/data/LOCATION.csv


    For more information, see MySQL Documentation - Data Export and Import .

    Alternatively you can navigate to the Geolocation Data/data directory and run the following commands.

    1. The command to populate data to the BLOCKS table:

      mysqlimport -u <mysql username> -p --ignore-lines=2 --fields-terminated-by=, --fields-optionally-enclosed-by='"' --local GEO_LOCATION_DATA <PATH_OF_BLOCKS.csv_FILE>

      Provide the mysql password when prompted.

    2. The command to populate data to the LOCATION table:

      mysqlimport -u <mysql username> -p --ignore-lines=2 --fields-terminated-by=, --fields-optionally-enclosed-by='"' --local GEO_LOCATION_DATA <PATH_OF_LOCATION.csv_FILE>

      Provide the mysql password when prompted.

  4. Download a JDBC provider depending on the database you are using (MySQL in this example) from here, and extract it.

  5. Copy the mysql-connector-java-<VERSION>.jar file to the <IS_ANALYTICS_HOME>/lib directory.
  6. Configure the following in the <IS_ANALYTICS_HOME>/conf/worker/deployment.yaml file as given below.

    description: "The data source used for geo location database"
    name: jdbc/GEO_LOCATION_DATA
    type: RDBMS
        jdbcUrl: '<GEO_LOCATION_DATBASE_URL>'
        username: <MYSQL_USERNAME>
        password: <MYSQL_PASSWORD>
        driverClassName: <MYSQL_DRIVER_CLASS_NAME>
        maxPoolSize: 50
        idleTimeout: 60000
        validationTimeout: 30000
        isAutoCommit: false
    1. jdbcUrl : This is the URL of the geo location data base, e.g., jdbc: mysql://localhost:3306/GEO_LOCATION_DATA .

    2. username : This is the mysql user name, e.g., wso2carbon .

    3. password : This is the mysql password, e.g, wso2carbon .
    4. driverClassName : This is the package name of the JDBC driver of your mysql connector, e.g., com.mysql.jdbc.Driver .
  7. Open the <IS_ANALYTICS_HOME>/wso2/worker/deployment/siddhi-files/IS_ANALYTICS_AUTHENTICATION_COMMON.sidddhi file.

    1. Uncomment the line 120: (ifThenElse(geo:findCountryFromIP(remoteIp)=="", "N/A", geo:findCountryFromIP(remoteIp)) as region,) .
    2. Comment out the line 121: (region,) .


    For testing purposes

    Follow the steps below to load test data to the system.

    1. Navigate to the <IS_ANALYTICS_HOME>/samples/sample-clients/is-analytics-client directory on a command prompt.

    2. Run the following command.

    ant -Dport=7612 -Dhost=
  8. Restart WSO2 IS Analytics worker node.
