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Implicit Grant

The implicit grant type is optimized for public clients known to operate a particular redirection URI. It is mainly used for clients that are not capable of keeping the client’s own credentials secret; for example a 'JavaScript only' application. Since the access token is encoded into the redirect URI, it may be exposed to other parties other than the client, including the resource owner. Therefore, access tokens issued via this grant type should be treated as public knowledge and must have very limited permissions when interacting with the API server. For example, an access token that was granted using the authorization code grant could have the required permission that allows it to be used to delete resources owned by the user. However, an access token granted through the implicit flow should only be able to read resources and never perform any destructive operations.

The flow

The implicit grant type is similar to authorization code grant type as it will be redirected to an authorization server. However, unlike the authorization code grant type, it will be redirected along with an access token instead of an authorization code. The implicit grant type does not authenticate the client and instead relies on the presence of the resource owner and the registration of the redirection URI.

The diagram below illustrates the implicit grant flow.


Support for refresh token grant - No

This grant type doesn't issue a refresh token which can be used to obtain new access tokens using the refresh token grant.

Related Topics

See the Try Implicit Grant topic to try out a sample of it with WSO2 Identity Server and WSO2 OAuth2 Playground.
