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App-native error codes

This document provides a list of error codes for the authentication API that implements app-native authentication.

Error Code HTTP status code Error message Possible cause
401 401 Unauthorzed Client authentication failure or client attestation failure.
60001 400 Invalid authentication request. Received authentication request is invalid.
60002 400 Authentication failure. Authentication flow has concluded with a failure.
60003 400 Authentication failure. Authentication failure please retry.
60004 400 Invalid authenticatorId. Provided authenticatorId {{authenticator_id}} is invalid.
60005 400 Unable to find application. Unable to find application for clientId {{client_id}} in tenant domain {{tenant_domain}}.
60006 501 Authenticator not supported. Configured authenticator {{authenticator_name}} is not supported.
60007 400 App native authentication is not enabled for the application. App native authentication is not enabled for this application with id {{client_id}}.
60008 400 Authentication flow time out. Authentication flow has timed out as it took too long to complete.
60009 400 Invalid flow identifier. The provided flowId is invalid.
60010 400 Invalid logout request. Received logout request is invalid.
65001 500 Unable to proceed with authentication. Server encountered an error while processing the authentication request.
65002 500 Unable to find authenticator. Authenticator not found for name: {{authenticator_name}}.
65003 500 Unknown authentication flow status. Unknown authentication flow status: {{flow_status}}.
65004 500 Unable to retrieve application. Server encountered an error while retrieving application for clientId {{client_id}} in tenant domain {{tenant_domain}}.
65005 500 Unable to proceed with logout. Server encountered an error while processing the logout request.